Chapter 22- A Bittersweet Goodbye

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Ashley's POV

It's been a week now and everyone at first tried to get me to stay but in the end just accepted it. I leave tomorrow morning and the farewell party is when the boys get back from the interview. The girls went with them while I stayed behind, I had one last thing to do before I leave tomorrow. I went to the music room and put the video recorder on the stand and grabbed the remote for it after I turned the camera on. I sit down on the piano bench and take a deep breath then press record. I look up at the camera, smile and say," Harry...I wanted you to know the I really feel about you......I know things have been rocky between us but ....I believe if you truly love someone you overlook the flaws, stand by their side through the bad times, and cherish the good times. Even though I haven't said much to you I really have cherished every moment I got to spend with you ......I really do love you and all your little things.....I dedicate this song to you" I look down at the keys and stay playing my favorite song.

At the end of the recording I smile and write a note and put them in a box and put it in Harry's room in his dresser that way he won't see it till I'm already gone, I walk out of the room and the front door opens to louis yelling,"PARTY TIME" I can't help but laugh. I walk out to where everyone was and they turn on music and put the food and drinks on the table. After everything was set some was playing games while others were dancing.  Niall and Lexie was at the table talking while eating, I look around and see everyone smiling and I smile because this is how I want to remember everyone. When we all got done eating we sat in the living room and Liam got this idea for everyone to do a speech.

Liam: I'll go first....Ashley when you first came to live with us I was a bit worried because you had alot of anger in you. When things kept getting worse i honestly wanted to give up.....but I'm glad I didn't because the young lady who is truly one of a kind, amazing, strong, independant, and caring I'm proud to call her my sister. I love you Ashley please visit soon.

Niall: I'll go next.....Ash you are one the most loveable person anybody can count on and is often misunderstood but I'm sure it goes both ways *he laughs* but honestly you are like my best friend and i really hate to see you go and wish you could stay but hope you return soon.

Zayn: Ashley.....when I first met you there was dull in your eyes and hatred for anyone who looked or talked to you....but now you have that gentle look in your eyes and even though you may not know it sometimes....we really do care about you and will do anything for you

Lexie: I'd really hate to see you go Ash but .....make sure you return ok....*she gets tearing and niall holds her*

Kiera: I'm gonna miss having you around here was the one who made things so unexpected around here and kept things entertaining....if you leave with a smile then i promise I will smile while watching you go and save my tears for after you are gone *she hugs me*

Dani: I guess this is farewell sis.....but not forever because if you don't come back then I'll come and stay with you because you will always be my twin *we hug eachother and I'm in tears*

Harry: I won't say much because I want you to have the best time while you are here still. Ashley I'm truly sorry for everything and I wish we had more time so we could work things out but even though you may not ever love me...I promise I'll never stop loving or forget you..I hope that on the day you return we can start all over (he hugs me while in my head I say I love you too Harry)

Louis: are the most craziest, wildest, most stubborn person I have ever met. That's what I thought at first and still do *I stick out my tounge and he laughs* but now you are more quiet and mysterious and have a voice of an angel....Ash I've always considered you as my second sister and love you but you have to promise to come back because it will give me something to look forward to eachday waiting to see that crazy girl I joke around with *he walks to me and holds me tight*

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