Chapter 10

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I was laying on my bed, listening to music on my phone, while thinking about what Mason told me.

He thought I looked cute!

Why do I feel all tingly inside?

My door opened and mom walked in, "Hey sweetheart, sensed you were up here." "Back from the Blood Mart so soon mom?" my eyes closed as I spoke.

"Yeah the early bird gets the worm." she chuckled. I faked a smile in response. 

She sighed, "What's wrong? I know you don't want me to read your mind." I jolted upright, staring at her with wide eyes.

She'd find out about Mason if she did.

"There's this guy," I began to which mom squealed. "Oh my gosh, you're finally talking about a guy!" 

"It's not Mark!" I quickly stated and she slightly frowned. I rolled my eyes.

"He goes my school and he dropped me home, during the ride he told me I looked.." I paused. Mom looked like she was going to explode of....


"Cute." I finished which I soon regretted. Mom screamed, literally bouncing all over the place. 

"Mom.." I groaned. She stopped and sat back on my bed. "What did you say after that?" she urged. I shook my head, "I didn't reply."

It was her turn to groan. "You didn't reply!"

I again shook my head. She shook me, "You are crazy." she told me. I sighed, looking down at y fingers. 

"Anything else went on today?" she asked.

I nodded, "In PE it had a competition in archery, not only did I win but I was awarded with no school tomorrow." I said proudly. 

"But it's your first week of school, you'll miss classes." mom said. 

I rolled my eyes, "I learnt all of those things 100 years ago, I don't even know why you're sending me back."

"Still-" mom started but I interrupted her. "Plus, my friend Sofie said she'll get my notes for me."

She sighed, "Fine." I smirked in victory." "Oh yeah and Coach invited me to football training cause he thinks I'm athletically talented, if that's even a word-"

"I have no clue, is it?" mom cut me off. 

"-and they practice on Tuesdays to Thursdays. He wants me to come in tomorrow." 

She nodded, "Practice on a field?" I nodded..duh. "With people?" I again nodded, not seeing the point of these stupid questions. No offense mom..

"In the sun?" I nodded. Wait.

"Dang it!" I muttered. She smirked, "You took a while to catch on to that, but don't worry I got you covered." she left my room and in a flash came back.

"This is sunscreen made specifically for vampires. Your dad had this when he played baseball." mom told me, handing me the bottle. 

"This should protect you." 

I nodded, "Thanks mom." She smiled and walked away, stopping at my door. "If you really like this boy, hang out with him..a lot," she chuckled, "I say give it until your birthday next month." she smirked slightly.

I nodded. She then left and I plopped back on my bed.


Athletically is a word actually....just saying😅

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