Chapter 16

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Football was over, was basically the same as yesterday. 

Elliot tried to talk to me but I kept ignoring him and frankly I wish his name was Bob..

I exited the school building getting ready to walk home when Mason suddenly appeared infront of me.

"Hey, can you meet me in the same spot we were in the woods in fifteen minutes?" he asked, desperation evident on his face.

"Sure but why?" 

"Just please meet me there." he repeated. I sighed,"Okay." "Thanks." he smiled, kissing my cheek and left.




Why does he wanna meet me up there? What is a werewolf attacks me again? What if? So many things could go wrong.

I looked around, seeing no one in sight so I dashed home. 

"Mom!" I yelled upon entering my house. She dashed into the room, "Are you going out with Mason?" she immediately questioned.

"Yes...I did y-" 

"I know by the tone of your voice, you normally sound really nervous when you're talking about him." 

"Well yeah. We're meeting up in the woods." I told her.

She clapped her hands excitedly.

"I can't believe it! Yo're finally going out on a date!" she squealed. "It's not a date." I said quickly. "He just wants to meet up for some reason I don't know."

She rolled her eyes, "Right, sure, okay. When are you leaving?" 

"A rush to get me out mom?" I slightly smirked. "No. Just wondering." she replied. 

"When I'm finished changing I'll be leaving." I told her. "Okay, be safe." 

I dashed into some comfortable jeans and a top with a pair of Converse. "Bye mom." I said, exiting the house.

"Bye sweetie." I hear her say as the door closed.

I slowly walked towards the spot where we met before. As I approached it, I saw Mason standing by a blanket laid on the ground with a basket upon it.

"Did you set all this up?" I questioned in shock.

No, he just came here before you and it magically appeared in his face. 

Oh shut up conscience.

He nodded, "Do you like it?" I slowly nodded, "It's lovely." I smiled, "but when you said hang out  never imagined this."

"Oh I had a feeling it was too much." he looked down in embarrassment ready to pack up the stuff. 

"No!" I yelled, "I mean, um, no, it's fine. Really it is." I said, walking over to him.

I wrapped my arms around him, embracing him in a hug which he immediately returned. "Let's go on with this picnic." I told him, "I'm starving."

"So, how's this leader thing going?" I asked. 

"Fine, I guess, my dad wanted to be the leader sooner than a month."  he replied. I nodded. "Here, have some fruit punch, since you like that." he said, handing me the bottle. 

I accepted, "Um, thanks." I faked a smile. How does this even taste?

I took a sip, "It's not so bad." I mumbled. "What do you mean, haven't you tasted fruit punch before?" asked Mason is confusion. 

"They don't all taste the same you know." 

"I'm such an idiot." he shook his head with a smile. "No argument there." I laughed, taking another bite of my cake.

Suddenly, I heard bushes rustling infront of us. "I hear something." I told him. 

"I don't hear anything, it's probably nothing." I gave in and questioned, "Not to sound offensive or anything but why did you do all of this?" 

He looked down, there's something I'be been meaning to tell you for quite a while now." he began playing with his fingers.

"Yeah.." I urged. 

"I like you Rose." he confessed. "You, what?" I was taken aback, never have I thought he would have imprinted on me. Wait..

"I imprinted on you." he said. 

"No shizz Sherlock." I rolled my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me sooner." I exclaimed furiously. "I was scared you didn't like me, I've never imprinted before." he defended.

"How are you so positive I even like you." I groaned. A look of hurt flashed across his face, "Mason, I'm sorry, it wasn't suppose to sound like that." I apologized.

"I heard you loud and clear Scarlet." he said. 

"You called me Scarlet." I saddened. "That's what people call you isn't it." he replied sourly. "But you're not just people." I stood.

"What am I then." demanded, standing as well.

"You're-" I was stopped when about a a dozen werewolves jumped out if the bushes, surrounding Mason and I.

"Go!" Mason yelled at me.

"We're surrounded Mason, where do you expect me to go!" I yelled back. "Go up that tree." he commanded. 

Jeez, rude much. I dashed up a nearby tree, like literally vampire speed dash. 

Mason transformed and I think he and the other wolves were..talking? I have no clue. They were barking and growling..ha, like dogs.

Why am I laughing at a time like this?

The wolves suddenly departed and Mason turned back to his human form. "You can down now." he told me stiffly.

Okay..something's wrong. I climbed down, "So what was that all about?" I asked as I arrived on the ground.

"They sensed a vampire." he muttered. I gasped, "A vampire. I should've known there were vampires too, I mean if they're werewolves there's gotta be some vampires."

"Stop pretending!" He yelled, now facing me.

I stepped back in fear. "What?" "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about Scarlet!" he again yelled.

I hate when he calls me Scarlet, that's when I know he's mad at me.

He whispered, "You're a vampire, aren't you?" I looked down, not wanting to respond. "Answer me! You're a vampire!"

I didn't want him to find out like this. I didn't even want him to find out.

I let out a shaky breath and before I could start crying, I dashed home, not once stooping or looking behind me. 

What's gonna happen now?

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