Chapter 88: Forgive Me

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It didn't take me long to drive to the airport . I knew where Katie was . I just hope she'll forgive me when I get there .

--4 hours later --

My plane just landed and let me tell you I was the first one off . I didn't have any bags so I got out of there easily . I've been in Georgia so many times since I've met Katie . I quickly rented a car for very cheap and head towards somewhere I had to go before I could go where Katie should be .



I've been at the fairgrounds for 6 hours now . Everything is still here . The fair grounds just started leaving the attractions year around but only opened the actual fair for the month of October. The place is kept under lock and key . Chained by the entrances . Luckily for me there was a hole in the fence just big enough for me to squeeze through . I've been walking around the fair, staring at the rides and memories I cherish here .

To be clear, this is where Ross and I had our first ever date . Even though I wasn't suppose to know about it, he knew I knew .

*Flash back *

Lets go on the Ferris Wheel !" he says cutting off my thoughts of it anyway .

We waited in line and showed the man are wristbands and he guided Ross and I to a cart . Just our luck it stops at the very top . Ross smiles .

"Look up ." I do . Just in time to see a areoplane with a sign witht the lyrics of Crazy 4 you 'You got my heart beat pumping and its going insane, you got me jumping at areoplanes . Ross grabs my hands and start singing the rest of the song to me .

I probably looked like a tomatoe, I was blushing so bad . By then end of the song he leaned in and whispered "Im Fallin' for you ." The same thing he did at the concert . I blushed even more . I hugged him and he hugged me back as the Ferris Wheel started moving again .

*End of flash back *

That night was the first night I knew who I wanted . I wanted Ross . I remember that was the first time I felt the butterflies and sparks . I would live in the moment on top of the Ferris wheel that night . I found out who I was and who I needed to be here, at a fair . I found my world here . I fell in love with a superstar here . The place may not be much to everyone else but to me it's where I found myself .

I walk pass the Ferris wheel and stop . I turn and face it . I grab the necklace Ross gave me . I only threw the promise ring because I knew it meant more but I regretted it immediately . My finger feels so ... Bare .. Without it . I'd do anything to get it back . A single tear falls onto my cheek .

"I knew you'd be here ." The sweet voice speaks from behind me . His voice doesn't sound the same though . It's full of heartbreak and despair .

I turn and there he is . Ross . I grip the necklace tighter .

"I knew you'd find me ." I choke out .

"Can I explain ?" He asks .

I nod .

"Just let me finish ... Victoria was my girlfriend when I was 11, and still partially lived in Colorado . We dated 6 months and I soon broke up with her because she cheated on me . I lost feelings for her shortly after . It was one of those relationships that you don't feel pain once it ends . I knew it would lead no where before it even started . When, we got to Colorado, as in you and me, I didn't even know she was at the house . My family that was in Colorado never knew we broke up but the others did . As soon as I saw her, I still felt nothing . Victoria asked if she could talk to me, I said yeah . Big mistake . She came onto me . She said she still loved me . I told her I didn't feel the same and that I had you . Then she pulled out a recording of when I told her I loved her, when I was younger . I just hit puberty that year which explains my tone of voice . I never told her I loved her like I say it to you . When I say it to you, it means something every time . There's times I wish there was a different phrase to say besides three words, because just to say "I love you" never seems like enough. I've said it so many times. Sometimes I'm afraid you won't feel the same way. I don't get how much feelings can fit in just three words . I mean it every time I say it to you, never did I mean it when I said it to her . She stopped the recording after it said I loved her . She kissed me . I didn't kiss her . I've told you before I would never do that. I couldn't live with myself hurting you like that . I didn't kiss her back, I couldn't and wouldn't ever do that either . Then, when I saw you running out of the room, I realized you saw and heard what happened . I ran after you, despite the protest by my other family members . I pushed through and saw you crying and I couldn't live with myself right then . I hate seeing you like that knowing I caused you that pain . Knowing that you were in pain . I am the love of your life and you are mine . It was like someone stabbing me over and over when you threw the promise ring and ran away . It was like I had no air once I had no clue where you were . Just hearing your voice on that voicemail, saved me . I would've done so many horrible things if you didn't leave that message . I can't live without you . I need you . I'm so sorry for hurting you like this . Trust me, Victoria will never replace the girl standing before me , no one will ever replace you Katie . Not in a million years . Please, just please ... Forgive me . " Ross begs .

Ross speech puts me in tears . Happy and shocked tears . How could I be so stupid and not listen to him .

"I forgive you . I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you when you asked me to . None of this is your fault it's mine . I'm so sorry for leaving you, and for throwing that ring . That little piece of metal means everything to me . To our relationship . I'm so happy I didn't end it right then and there . I'm glad I stuck it out because I don't know what I would've done with myself . I'm glad your remembered this place . Because if you weren't here, I don't know where I'd be . " I confess .

He moves closer to where his body is pressed against mine.

"I'm so sorry ." We whisper to each other .

He pulls me closer and we hug for what feels like forever .

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel ." He says in the same tone as he did on our first date .

I look up and him, smile, and kiss him passionately . I don't know what I would've done without this kiss . This boy ..

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