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it was prom night for jenna, she'd been waiting for as long as I've known her. she's had the dress picked out for a few years, when she was littler her dad took her shopping and they passed a wedding dress shop and she pointed out this one cool-toned blue dress that had a white silk ribbon tied around the waist. it killed her that her mom, my wife phoebe, wasn't here for it. she was always away on business trips and what not. it was only jenna and i in the house, she doesn't like me because I'll never be her dad, and I don't like her because she will never be my daughter. we put on a good face for phoebe though, we don't fight or anything. jenna faked liking me when phoebe and i first started dating because the divorce was tough on them and now phoebe is happy and Jenna and i aren't.

I hate it. i hate this family and i know i suck for saying that because of all they've been through but if i have to be honest, I married her for her money. im not a golddigger, I swear, i know it sounds like I am since I just married her for the money and I never go with her on her trips but it was either live like this or live on the streets.

I was making my dinner when I heard a knock on the door and walked to open it.

"who the fuck are you? is that bitch cheating on me?" he angrily shouted at me. he was dressed in a black dress suit, shiny black shoes, a light peach tie, and he had a little flower pinned to his jacket.

"j-josh." I stuttered, I don't know why I stuttered but I was nervous. it wasn't because I was scared of what he would do to me it was that- he had brown hair, brown fluffy hair, styled upwards at the top of his head and he had the most beautiful eyes.

"ah," he sighed in relief, his body loosening and his arched back returned to normal, "the dad, right."

"im not her dad." I immediately snap back in irritation, like I said before I don't like her.

"jeez, relax, josh. it's cool." he threw his hands up with a chuckle as he walked into the front room, uninvited. "so you're like married to her mom?"

"yeah." I answered with a roll of my eyes.

"jenna is pretty hot." he blurts staring at me. there was a small layer of silence fell across us.

"okay, whatever." I sigh again at his ignorance finally breaking the layer after a moment of awkwardness.

"what you think you're hotter?" he bit his lip and looked me up and down.

"what do you think?" I try to sound flirty but instead I just sound mad.

"definitely." he casually said into the conversation like I wasn't married and he wasn't going out with jenna. I shivered in shock as he continued to check me out.

"whatever." I roll my eyes turning around and going back to cooking my macaroni and cheese. it only took a few minutes for jenna to come down and meet tyler. they asked me to take their pictures in front of the house. I took a few vertically and a few horizontally, tylers hand around jenna, jenna kissing Tyler's cheek, them kissing.

they left pretty fast after I took the pictures and I went to pour my dinner into a bowl. I don't know why but I couldn't get Tyler out of my head. I placed down the empty bowl on the coffee table and go through the camera pictures looking at Tyler.

a quiet gasp escapes from my mouth as I find a picture of Tyler winking at the camera. his bottom lip was tucked into his mouth and his open eye was squinted at me. my pants began to feel restricted.

in anger I toss the camera onto the table and grab my bowl, throwing it at the wall. I watched as the glass shattered into a million tiny pieces popping down to the floor. one second it was a bowl, the next it was a mess; and so was I.

I grabbed my phone quickly and headed out of the house, mad at Tyler and at myself. I'm married and even though I don't love my wife I've never cheated on her, I've never even thought of cheating on her. he goes to school with my step-daughter and they're dating. he's probably the douche-iest guy I've ever met so why am I attracted to him.

I dropped out of high school, I couldn't do it, i had already failed like a year and I was not going to continue to go through hell. I couldn't make enough money, I was hardly making any money really. so I married into money. I'm not going to go into the details of what happened to make me marry into money because they're not the highlights of my life and I don't want to talk about them.

before I knew it, it was dark, and I didn't know where I was anymore, I just walked and walked until I didn't feel like walking. I got a taxi ride home.

the house was dimly lit when I got home. the glass was still on the floor and the camera was still on the table. I grabbed it and headed upstairs to give it to jenna, not because I wanted to all to her or because I wanted her to see it but because I didn't want to see it and I didn't want it in my possession anymore.

I knocked on her door lightly and walked in to see Tyler laying with his stomach down and his head facing the door. he looked up at me, his expression was first shock and then suddenly changed to smug.

"she's in the shower." he growled sitting up. he was only wearing his underwear and I knew it was terrible but my eyes couldn't help but wonder to his glistening, sweating body.

"d-did you guys-" I stutter in shock mostly at myself because I couldn't believe that I was looking at him.

"yeah." he shrugs, "you ever been with a man before?"

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