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p.s. guys now that they finally r like together there's gonna be like more smut (even tho i write terrible smut) but it's ya know like who they are

josh's pov

"josh!" jordan screamed into the phone immediately after i answered it.

"wow, okay, yes jordan?" laughed, leaning back on the counter in the kitchen getting comfortable.

"i'm throwing a little party tonight." he trailed sounding excited.

"okay, is this my invite?"

"yes, but," he paused, "you should bring tyler."

"who said we were back together?" i asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"because every other time i called you you always sounded depressed, now you sound," he paused again waiting for the right words, "happy."

i smiled at how well he knew me and how happy tyler made me without me even noticing, "i'll see if he wants to come."

"thanks, and it's just u know a chill like get together with drinks and stuff."

"i got it jordan."

"okay see you tonight."

"wait i never said i was definitely com-" he cut the call off in the middle of my sentence, it's something he used to do when we were kids so he would get the last word.

i crept upstairs trying not to be loud in the case that tyler was still asleep. we took showers last night and then just laid in bed talking until we fell asleep.

tylers body was still and rhythmic with his breaths when i found him still sleeping in my bed. i walked over to him, pushing my inflexible leg over his lap and leaning over to kiss him.

"what are you doing?" he laughed as his eyes opened to me trailing my kisses down his neck.

"i wanted to wake you up." i say lifting my head and my leg and jumping over him to the other side of my bed.

"babe..." he sighed, leaning over and kissing me again. i didn't stop like i did when i was kissing him until he stopped.

"so my brother is having a little party tonight." i say breaking the quietness in the air.

"i thought i wasn't allowed to go to parties anymore." he scoffed but still joked.

"it's not that type of party, babe, it's like the one you came to here."

"right," he laughed, "so is this the whole boyfriend thing? you have to tell me when you're going somewhere?"

i laughed realizing what he was thinking i meant when i said there was a party- he thought i was telling him i was going and not that i was inviting him with me.

"tyler," i still laughed, "that was an invitation for you to come, too."

he sighed at his misunderstanding and joined me in my laugh.

"in that case, cool lets go."


"yeah why wouldn't i want to go?"

"i don't know, we haven't really done anything as boyfriends before."

"why not start now then, boyfriend." he emphasized.

"babe you know i like my other nickname more."

"mm," he remembered, "that's right daddy."


tyler walked behind me holding the scotch i brought as we walked up to the door of jordan's house. i brought scotch because i like it, but also because it's ty's favorite and no one will tell me not to give him scotch if i brought it.

"hey josh," jordan welcomed me first with a hug.

"hey man, this is tyler," i said stepping aside.

tyler held out the scotch and jordan accepted it gratefully, "its good to see you again, tyler, thanks for the scotch."

"it's good to see you again, too." ty responded. we walked into the house full of people. i looked over at tyler and saw a nervous expression on his face.

"hey babe," i whisper into his ear and he turned his head to look at me, "these people don't know you."

a small smile showed on his face with the understanding that no one at that party had to know that he was underage or he got kicked or of high school or anything about him. he could reform himself into a new person for these people because that's what he needed to do.

the night was slow, but it always is at those type of parties. tyler spent most of his time with me or with jordan instead of the unfamiliar strangers. we both got extremely tired of having to explain what was happening and what happened to my wife, but we knew it was a risk when we came.

i walked over to tyler who was sitting on the couch with a new glass of scotch.

"hey baby." i say sitting down and taking a sip of his drink without asking.

"hey." he sighed.

"you sound upset, not up for the boring adult parties?" i joke.

"if it's always like this, then no." he said, gulping his drink until there was none left and then he looked over at me with a familiar look.

"what are you thinking?" i ask and then i understand what he wanted and smiled.

we both stood up trying to act as if we were going to get more drinks. we walked to the kitchen and put our glasses down, then he took my hand in his and guided me the stairs quietly to not be noticed.

jordan's house was smaller than mine but still bigger than the average house, so tyler didn't really know where he was going. he started heading to the wrong direction.

"no, tyler," i whisper leading him up to the third floor, "this way."

he turned around and let me lead him up another staircase to the guest bedroom that was on the third floor.

he shut the door behind him when we got to the room and i pushed him against the door to crash our lips together.

his hands gripped into my head as he welcomed my tongue into his mouth and tore off my jacket. he lifted his arms to allow my to pull up his shirt and then he wrapped his hands around my face to kiss me again.

"fuck." he moaned throwing his head back as i continued to suck his neck, making his toes curl in pleasure.

i grabbed his legs and lifted him up so he was only supported my me and the wall after his pants were tore down. ty spat in his hand, knowing there was no lube at jordan's place, and rubbed it on the tip of my cock.

he braced himself by clawing at my back and squeezing his thighs around my waist. i sucked his neck one more time before lower him onto my length with my hands.

ty let out a loud moan as i continued to lift him up and down against the door.

"f-fuck," he whimpered, "y-yes."

i let out a low moan as i continued my pace, "you like that baby?" i growled. he approved in another moan that filled the air. 

"josh? are you up here?"

both of our eyes shot open as we stopped in an second. jordan's steps on the stairs were getting louder as he approached the room. i quickly let tyler back on the ground and threw him his shirt while trying to pull up my pants and conceal my cock.

jordan knocked on the door and we both struggled to finish getting ourselves presentable before i twisted the door handle to reveal my brother standing in the doorway.

his eyes widened after seeing us, "w-why the fuck-"

"we've got to go."

boyfriend ✧ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now