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joshs pov

"josh, babe, i'm home!"

panic ran through my body faster than the world spins, i looked over at ty, who was laying next to me, naked, under the sheets of my bed.

"baby?" phoebe yelled again.

i quickly got up, pulled on a pair of sweatpants and watched as ty tried to find a place to hide. i twisted the door knob just a little before running over to tyler, grabbing his head, and kissing him one more time in case it was the last time for a while. then i went downstairs to face reality.

"phoebe! you're back!" i yelled from the top of the stairs going down.

"baby i missed you." she said when i finally got down to her and she leaned in to kiss me. i love ty. "you resisted?"

"what?" i questioned trying to sound as fine as i could.

"did jordan tell you?" she asked, stepping back and hanging her head low in shame.

"yeah." i lie knowing if i said i knew she would try to come up with an excuse and i could've found out what happened.

"josh it didn't mean a thing," she placed her hands on my jaw trying to keep my face right next to hers, "you have to believe me."

"how am i supposed to believe you?" i said breaking away from her grip coming to a conclusion on what happened, but needing her to confirm it.

"josh, i just, i'm so sorry you know you're my one and only and now that i've slept with someone else i know that you're all i want."

"you slept with my brother?" i didn't yell despite the anger running through my veins like blood, i just asked her calmly.

"josh you know i love you." i slapped her hands away as they tried to grip my face again.

"phoebe you fucking whore, i don't care how much you loved me you would've never slept with my brother if you cared about me."

the door opened just as phoebe started to open her mouth and jenna slid her way around phoebe to join the argument.

"you look pissed." she pointed out looking at her mother, "so he told you about tyler."

"tyler?" she asked changing her demeanor from sorrow to anger.

i rolled my eyes before beginning, "tyler is-"

"his boyfriend," jenna cut in with an expression of bitterness on her face, "well he used to be my boyfriend actually, we went to prom together, but then josh here fucked him and they fell in love or something like that."

"you're gay?" phoebe asked the same way i asked her about jordan, quietly yet so full of rage.

"oh please, you know there was never anything between us."

"i was in love with you, josh, i married you." she started yelling again.

"then why the fuck would you sleep with my brother?" i joined her in yelling.

"maybe because she knew you were fucking someone else the entire time." jenna butted in again.

"jenna why don't you get the fuck out of here considering our marriage has nothing to do with you?" we all continue to scream.

"well isn't this the most wonderful family reunion. welcome back mom, by the way i've slept with 7 people, just thought u should know considering how strict you are about you know not sleeping with someone until you're married. oh and josh, yeah he didn't start sleeping with tyler until prom night, the same night we had sex he went into the other room after i fell asleep and fucked my stepdad, how nice, and mom why are you even trying to pull any of this jordan mess off you've been sleeping with uncle jordan since i was 10."

"you've been fucking my brother since a year after we got married?" i continued to scream, we all did as if there was no quieter way to talk.

"oh josh don't even try, tyler is just as bad, he's like a sad little secret you've been keeping. you know what, i bet he's here right now. tyler?" she yelled, and i knew he would come down, i knew he was at the top of the stairs listening the entire time, but i hoped in the end that ty would come down just so phoebe could see the face of someone i truly love.

tyler came down slowly wearing one of my flannels.

"this is who you've been fucking, he looks like a child." she went back to screaming after the one second of silence passed.

"i'm 19." tyler said calmly.

"stay out of this, slut."

"hey fuck you phoebe, don't talk to my boyfriend like that."

"oh boyfriend," phoebe responded throwing her hands back in sarcasm, "wow my mistake i thought he was just you're whore."

"oh he's the whore when you've been fucking my brother since we were basically married, and i'll have you know i love tyler." i screamed back grabbing his hand from a few steps above the end of the staircase and pulling him down to kiss him again. the second our lips crashed together i could feel the room die, the hearts of the girls both sink below the ground.

"i hate you." her voice came down, almost like a whisper. she whispered when she said i do at our wedding.

"join the fucking club." i said, unmoved by her attempt to make me sad.

"don't you go playing the victim mom, the only reason you married him is for jordan." jenna threw in again.

"what?" i asked, still holding on to tyler's hand.

"i never liked you, josh, i said yes when u proposed bc i was drunk as fuck and i thought you were jordan but i learned to love you after we got married." her tone changed as if she was happy to be admitting the truth, as if she knew it would hurt and she was ready to give me pain.

"we're getting a divorce." i said.

the room was silent. jenna stood with her arms crossed awaiting her mothers response but all her mother did was stand there, looking at me in awe. he tears eyes darted between me and my hand, which was still desperately gripping to tyler's, and smiled.

"you're gonna miss me one day, and when that day comes around i won't be there." her voice was almost a whisper.

"i'm gay, phoebe, always have been." i respond, she used to whisper a lot when we would argue because she would think that it would make me sad, it didn't.

she didn't say anything else after that, she just grabbed the bag that was sitting next to the door and walked back out. jenna followed after a minute, slamming the door behind her.

"hey," tyler said grabbing my hips and pulling me in to him and hugging me, "are you okay?"

"babe," i responded holding him in tighter, "you're all i need to be okay."

the end is near

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