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TYLER'S POV (maybe next chap i'll write in josh's pov sorry)

"josh" i moaned, throwing my head back in pleasure as he left a trail of hot kisses down my chest. my hands were tangled in the roots of his sweaty blue hair tugging slightly to steady myself. 

"fuck, ty." he sighed lifting himself  up and tearing down my black jeans with one sharp action. he wrapped his hands around my back pulling me up against him. with my hips violently rolling back and fourth against him he pushed my head to the side continuing to suck at my neck knowing that it makes my toes curl. 

"mr. joseph?" my english 4 honors teacher yelled from the front of the classroom. the entire class turned around staring with interest. i sat back, slightly salty she interrupted my day dream, but understanding that if she hadn't it would've gotten to far. 

"do something..." brendon whispered shoving me with his elbow.

"yes, miss. lucas?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows. 

she gave out a loud sigh in disgust before speaking, "i truly have no idea how you managed to get into this honors class, tyler." the class joined together in a quick chuckle before staring back at me waiting for my response. 

"because, brenda" i start with to get the crowd of the class hyped up, "i'm to smart to be put in cp classes; and, frankly, i'm to smart to be in honors but ap was filled up." the class roared all together and looked back to her as if they were watching a game of tennis between us. 

"well maybe you should pay attention in class and they'll put you first on the list for ap next time." she tried to fire back. i shrugged her off because her comments were irrelevant and i've never paid attention in class, never will.  

"dude," brendon nudged me as we were walking out of the door, "you know the next time you get suspended you get expelled?" 

i sighed a little remembering, "yeah, but what's she gonna do suspend me for talking back to her?" i ask. 

"i mean, when you have that crazy of a bitch you never know." he trailed before his friend came up next to us pulling him away. 

"hey, i'll take to you after school, okay?" he asked, but he didn't really ask because he walked away to fast for me to respond. brendon did that a lot, really, i didn't take it personally since he doesn't take it personally when i sleep with people. i do miss him sometimes. he just has to many friends to be there for me at any moment i needed him. 

i walked to study hall on the other side of campus and spent the period talking to jamie and hannah, some friends of mine. jamie and i actually slept together, he's one of the only ones i still talk to. he has this really nice boyfriend, they're really perfect for each other. 

the bell rings and we all rush out of the classroom. i, as usual, pulled out my phone to answer the same call from brendon at the end of everyday. we have a class together, i know, but it's routine. 

"where are you going tonight?" he asked, struggling to be heard over the voices of the crowds. 

"thinking i might go to joe mugs to get my homework done."

"mind if i join you?" 

"nah fam you straight." 

"lit, i'm gonna get a ride with cherry over there, see you in a min." he said before hanging up, or at least that what is sounded like he said. i couldn't hear him clearly over the sounds of the crowds. 

i got back to my car, threw my backpack in the backseat and took a deep breath. i plugged in my phone and hit shuffle on my playlist letting my head fall back onto the seat in relaxation. i really hated that school. 

my music abruptly stopped for my ringtone to play. 

"brendon?" i asked after answering it through the speakers. 

"yeah, when did you bring my car back?" his confusion quickly passed between the phone to me. 


"my car, it's in its like parking spot, when did you get it fixed?" 

"i-i," i stuttered in amazement, "i never put it there." 

"well, shit fam, you better not let him go or i swear to god i'll snatch him." we both laughed, "so i'm gonna actually go over to jen's house now that i have my car back, cool?" 

"yeah no, you're good, i'm gonna go to josh's." 

"bitch," he trailed, "i'm gonna want to hear more about this guy." he hung up. 

i immediately called josh still in shock, it had only been a few days since the accident. how did he manage to fix the car and know what parking spot was brendon's?

"what's up, cutie?" his soft voice surrounded me in my car and i was embraced by warmth. 


"i told you it'd be done fast. and then i just found his parking number in one of the cubbies and, well, parked it." he explained needing no further elaboration from me. 

"you're amazing." 

"i know," his laughter sounded so soothing, "i can do more amazing things, you know." he dragged his words trying to sound flirty, he was so cute when he flirted with me because he didn't have a whole lot of experience so it was like seeing a baby trying to walk for the first time. 

"oh really," i give into his flirting with a seductive tone, "like what?" 

"well," he made it seem like he was going to start off with a list before cutting it off with, "you'll just have to come over and see, now won't you." and he hung up, he didn't say anything, just hung up. 

so i drove to his house as fast as i could. 

when did people start reading this ??? um ??? okay ??? but thanks for like adding it to you guys' reading lists and stuff, i honestly am like happy you guys do so thanks it like means a lot. i'll like honestly try to update bc the next chapter is something i wanna write sooo... oh and like vote hahaha


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