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TYLER'S POV (again oops)

i knew i was in his bed before i knew i was awake. his warm, soft sheets surrounded my body, his sunken-in, memory foam mattress forming perfectly around my position.

there was a stage after i was asleep but, before i woke up; i hadn't opened my eyes yet or realized that i was conscious but, i began to recap the night. i remembered the party and the car, the crash and the saving but, while i was in the car with josh i blacked out.

i can vaguely remember a kiss on my cheek as i laid down and i have a blurred image of a door being shut or opened.

i opened my eyes, finally verifying i was aware of what was going on. the room was empty. i sat up a bit looking around. i could see his robe hanging on the back of the door, his bathroom door wide open and some clothes on the floor but, i couldn't see josh.

it wasn't like i could've walked out of his room in the case of jenna being in the house so, i looked around for my phone. i found it charging on his dresser. i got up quietly, stepping lightly to my phone where i immediately texted josh asking where he was.

josh: so ur finally up???

tyler: yeah seriously tho where r u?

josh: i'll head up in a min

i laughed a little at the texts as i crept back to the bed where i sunk into the mattress once again. it was only a few moments before the door handle twisted a little. i still jumped even though i knew that it was josh. he walked in wearing a pair of sweatpants and no shirt, holding his cupped hand out in front of him and a glass of water in the other hand.

"pain killers." he said handing me the two pills and then the glass of water. "it's just you and me for the day and i have some eggs cooking downstairs. you get ready, wake up a little, do whatever you need to do and i'll make breakfast, okay?"

"okay." i managed to sigh, overwhelmed by his kindness and the familiarity of his smile. after the shut the door i looked around the room for my clothes, they were thrown on the floor near the dresser where my phone was charging. i checked his drawers instead and decided to throw on one of his oversized muscle tanks.

the place was safe, soft in a way. familiar in the associations with josh and safe in that way, too. i passed the window that showed the dimly lit garage with the wrecked cars resting in there. 

"nice shirt." josh chuckled flipping the pan on its side and tipping the eggs onto two plates. 

"you think so?" i sat at the other end of the breakfast bar and he handed me the plate and a glass of water. 

"hot." he said with a heavy breath that felt like passion through the air. i tried to ignore it and ate some of the breakfast he made for me but, all i could think about is how badly i messed up this time. maybe i would tell him how many people i slept with or i could just leave it. 

"i missed you." i mumbled before a sip of water. my eyes finally managed to look up and see his look of glee. his hands gently raised to my cheeks, tilted down my head, and kissed my forehead like he was scared to kiss my lips. it was strange, i wasn't sure i liked it. 

"hey, ty?" his usually sharp voice become dull and he almost whispered like a kitten, gently and soft. 


"why the hell did you want mangoes?" he laughed changing his entire attitude and spreading his smile to me. 

"i don't know." i responded laughing, too. 

"you were really really drunk, ty, you did something really really stupid." he said going back to the kitten-like voice he was using before. 

i sighed taking another sip of my water, "i know. how much is it gonna cost to fix the cars do you think?" 

"you're not paying for the damage." he straightened up and took my empty glass from me placing it on the night stand. 

"you can't pay for it, josh, it wasn't your fault. i did something really dumb and i'll pay for it and hope i don't get sent to jail." the possibility sent shivers all over my body. jail, as if i could ever survive in jail. 

"you're not gonna go to jail, ty, i've got this one." 

"you can't just pay for two broken cars and keep me out of jail." i said with water gathering in the corners of my eyes as the gravity of the situation began to sink in. 

"okay, i'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen. i've made an appointment for my car man to come here with his tools and fix your friends car to the point where he can drive it back to the shop and make it look flawless. all of this is going to happen today. you can drive brendon's car before the sun goes down and never have to tell him about this. i'm gonna pay for my car, too, but its just scratched and a little dented." his calm voice soothed the air that was filled with my panic. 

"josh, i can't just let you pay fo-" 

"i already told you what was going to happen, right ty?" he interrupted placing his hand over mine and squeezing it with minimal pressure. 

"yeah but-" 

"ty?" he inturrupted once again. 


"i've already paid for it, there's nothing you can do now." 

"but why did you do that?" i asked fearful of the answer but curiosity has always been my weakness. 

"you don't deserve what you got in this life and, i really really care about you." his pressure increased as his eyes broke away from mine and began to stare at our intertwined hands. 

"i really care about you, too, josh." 

"and the fact that i'm not gonna let anyone else fuck you." he smiled.

rip to the updates of this they got to slow and died. but it's christmas break and ill try to update oops. 

~rebecca :)

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