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tylers POV

Jenna kept texting me throughout the night but I ignored her. I should've have because she was worried beyond words but why would I text her. I didn't want to say I was loosing attraction to Jenna, I never had any and I'm just now starting to notice it.

the crowd eventually thinned. there was this one girl I was people-watching throughout the night. she kept tapping her ring to her sip so people would ask about it. rude. if I wanted to talk about something I would just talk about it.

"did you have fun?" Josh came over and sat down next to me pushing his arm around the couch so it was sitting on my shoulder.

"I'm going to have more fun now." I said throwing my knee over him and adjusting my body on top of his. his lightened touched hands wrapped around my head, his fingers gripping my scalp finally getting his harsh sparkle.

I leaned in and watched him close his eyes as our lips crashed together. I slowly rolled my body over his as our mouths were still intertwined.

we both jumped away from each other when the door bell rang, echoing throughout the large house. Josh shook it off still looking shocked walking to the door.

"Tyler!" I heard him yell after the door opened. I got up after I wiped my mouth following the voice to the door. I saw zach standing in the door way with his keys in his hands and a worried expression on his face.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" I squint my eyes and furrow my eyebrows at him.

"mom found condoms in your room."

"shit." I yell almost running out of the door, "I'll text you!" I yell again as slam the door of his car and he sped out of the driveway.

"go faster." I shout in anger before he let the engine roar. my mother was hardly ever around and when she was she was always angry. it doesn't help that she had Zach when she was really young and always told us never to have sex before we were ready to have kids.

"Tyler I swear to god that better be you!" I heard a screeching voice coming from my room upstairs. I ran up holding on to my phone in my pocket and the railing to hold myself up.

"Jesus Christ mom." I said in anger looking at my room torn apart and her holding a string of condoms in her hands. she looked up at me with an icy stare, something that stabbed me in the heart. for a second she was the silent type of anger and then she scrunched them all up and threw them at me in rage.

"you know you're my worst son why would you continue to disappoint me?" she screamed with her fists clenched by her sides.

"why wouldn't I? I might as well fuck whoever I please since you don't care!" she hated me. in a moment I saw the look in her eyes change from disappointed and angry to pure hate. I've never actually seen someone hate someone like that, let along a mother to her child. I guess I wasn't that great of a son anyway but I just didn't ever think she would ever be able to hate me.

she didn't say anything else but she walked over to. she walked slowly, her head was held up high and her eyes were still the se blue cold tone they were before. her fist became unclenched as she threw her hand around with all of her face to slam into my cheek. her hands had a piercing cold-shock across my face that sent shivers down my body. I stumbled back and held on to the door with both my hands to keep my shaky self up. my entire body felt numb, like all of my bones were gone, like my mind was gone, like my childhood was gone. she walked passed me. she didn't say another word, she just watched me as tried to hold myself, watched my face as a red print formed where her hand stuck me. then she left.

"well it's not my fault you slept around when u were a kid and got used up by 22!" I screamed once again after I heard a few steps past. I opened the window as fast as I could when I heard increasingly fast steps heading up the stairs and jumped out.

the bushes weren't that hard of a landing but obviously they weren't the best. my arms were all scratched up but I kept moving. I ran to the car as fast as I could, still hearing screaming and loud stops that came from the house. I swiftly used the spear key to start the car and sped out of the driveway.

I drove back to Josh's house. I could've driven to Jenna at her sleepover or someone else who I've slept with or other people from school but I went to Josh.

he answered the door almost immediately after I knocked, he was wearing a pair of underwear and nothing else.

"you're all scratched up. what happened? why do you have a hand prom on your face? did they hurt you?" his panicked voice rambled as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house.

"I know we haven't really done anything besides fuck but can you just hold me to a while?" my eyes were tearing up and my entire body was shaking uncontrollably. I felt like I did just after she hit me, like I didn't have any control over my body.

Josh grabbed my hand and brought me up to his room where he untucked his blankets and slid in on one of the sides. his arm was held out so I took off my coat and wrapped myself next to him.

he didn't even try anything, he just layer there with his arms wrapped around me as I shivered and shook. he didn't ask me any more questions even though I never answered the ones he had, he just knew I didn't want to talk about it yet.

"it's okay, Tyler."

okay I know this is super super late but ugh school so yeah. I'm gonna try to not take so long to update cuz I'm just getting to the part of the plot I want to write.


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