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tyler's pov

"hey, ty, come on, wake up." joshed voice surrounded me as i began to gain consciousness.

"mm." i grunted, attempting to grab his blankets a roll over, but pushed my body back over until i opened my eyes.

"phoebe is sending her lawyer over in like an hour and you need to be there." he said standing up now and walking into his closet.

"but, why?"

"you're my boyfriend, tyler, it matters in a divorce if i'm gay and if i'm in a relationship."

i took a deep breath and forced myself to slump out of the warm bed and walk to his bathroom.

"so, when you guys get divorced are you going to like take all of her money?" i asked grabbing my toothbrush and slathering it in toothpaste. i didn't want josh to think i was worried about him having money, i couldn't care less, but i wanted to know if we'd be moving out and if i had to get a job.

"well," he sighed, "kind of."

"why do you sound disappointed that's good money that you don't have to do anything for."

"i don't know, i guess i'm just kind of upset that jordan was sleeping with her, you know? like jordan was the first person i told about us and he was sleeping with my official wife behind my back the whole time. i really wouldn't have cared i didn't love her, but he just didn't tell me." he sighed grabbing a hanger with a black encasing around it and laying it on the bed.

i spit out my toothpaste and rinsed it out before walking to him. i wrapped my hands around his face as i kissed him as i slid past him further into the closet to pull my suit out from the racks.

we both got dressed and ate breakfast and sat in an anxious silence waiting for the lawyer to come. josh was twirling his thumbs in circles around each other as his feet tapped against the floor in a speedy rhythm before the doorbell rang and he rushed to great the woman.

"alright," she sighed setting her brown leather suitcase on the dining room table between josh and i, "so, you both understand why i'm here today, correct?"

josh and i both nod.

"okay, so who's josh?" she asked, finally pulling out the chair and setting a stack of papers in front of her.

"i-i am." josh stuttered. i observed as he nervously twitched in his chair.

"so pheobe has told me a bit about your situation," she addressed him, "she tried to negotiate her way into getting all of the money, but because of her affair, she can't really claim that. now you have a few options: you could gain half of her fortune, but not the house, a lot less than half her fortune and take the house, if jenna agrees you could get custody of her, or there's always the possibility of not wanting everything."

"i don't want jenna." josh stated abruptly. i chuckled a little bit before remaining silent and observing the situation.

the lady nodded and josh continued, "i want all the money i can get, but i don't want this place." josh said, reaching across and grabbing my hand for support.

"i'm going to need just a few things from you before i can confirm what's going to happen, okay?" she began to sort through the pile of papers she previously placed on the table and pulled out a small packet of a few sheets of paper.

"you two are in a relationship, correct?"

josh and i nod, still holding hands.

"and you are nineteen and legally allowed to be in a relationship with him." she asked addressing me and i nodded.

"okay, the only thing you need to know is that after you sign these papers, and i need both of you to sign so the relationship is valid, is to do with your brother." josh did not flintch when he heard of his bother, his eyes remained the same, it was like he had never heard of what happened.

josh finished reading the packet and asked for the pen for him to sign.

"how much money am i going to get from this?" he asked before touching the pen to the off-white paper.

"eight hundred thousand."

our eyes grew three times there size and he rushed to scribble on the paper as fast as he could and i did the same, then handed it back to her.

she wrote on the check for the money she promised and placed the papers back into her bag.

"now your brother wanted me to let you know, after you signed the papers, that he loved her and he's sorry." she pushed in her chair on the bitter note she gave to josh, leaving the check on the table and began to walk to the door.

"you'll have three months before pheobe comes back to the house." and the door closed.

we both sat in silence for a moment staring at the piece of paper worth almost a million dollars before i finally broke the tension.

"what should we do?"

"what should we do? what should we do? we could do anything we want, ty," he bounced up of out of his chair and zoomed towards the check holding it high in the air, "let's go somewhere, let's go anywhere. Do you want to go to italy? let's go to italy, ty, let's get a flight and drink grape wine from our balcony in the heart of venice."

i stood up to join him in his victory rush and perpetuated the promises he was making.

"i can book us a flight for tomorrow, we can pack all of tonight and head out on a wild adventure."

"okay, josh, let's do it, let's run away from our problems and leave all of our troubles behind and get tan and learn Italian and ride on gondolas let's leave."

"tyler, i love you." josh exclaimed overly elated. he grabbed my hand and brought me to sit with him on top of the table.

"i love you, too, you crazy rich psycho." i laughed and went to kiss him.

there was a quiet moment after our kiss where he just sat there looking at me.

"what?" i asked him.

"marry me, tyler, we can start a new life together as husbands, we can get married on the beach and get people to give us presents. we can get a dog in our little apartment. i can buy you a ring, hell i can buy you a ring store if you wanted, and i'll keep spoiling you until we both grow old and our wrinkly hands will be intertwined as we complain about young people. marry me, tyler, be my husband."


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