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josh's POV (prepare for some jank ass smut)

i nodded my head, slamming my body down on the bench in the dressing room before tyler straddled himself over me. he continued to kiss me as he unbuttoned my shirt with angst. he leaned forward into me to rip off the sweatpants he was trying on, at the same time i tore off my pants and grabbed his body against mine again.

tyler repositioned himself over me again with a rising bugle in his underwear; with a wave of dominance i ripped the band of his underwear back and grabbed his length in my hand, rubbing slightly to warm him up. he let out an airy moan remembering that the room was full of people.

he took his shaky hands and spit in them silently before rubbing them over my tip and pulling down my underwear. his hands gripped to my hair as he slowly lowed himself onto me, a moan releasing from his mouth.

with panic i threw my hand over his mouth and the other around his back to assist his jumping up and down. his head thrown back in pleasure i continued to lift him up and slam him back down. the pain from remaining completely silent and having to keep ty completely silent was eating me alive.

"oh my god." he let out an airy moan, moving his hand from my hair down to my shoulder steadying himself again.

i could feel tyler shaking on top of me, getting ready to cum. panicking about where we were and how he couldn't i tossed him over onto the bench and got on my knees for him. i took him in my hand before taking him all in my mouth.

his fingers ran back into my hair gripping again at my scalp as i continued to lick him.

with goosebumps on his body and a mouth open with pleasure he shot warm, white spurts into my mouth and i swallowed as fast as i could, licking him clean.

he took my hand and guided me to the seat so he could do the same for me.

once he swallowed we took a silent moment on the bench to take our breaths. he gave me a quick smile, grabbed my chin with his sweaty hand, and kissed my cheek.

"what do you think?" he asked, pretending as if nothing had ever happened, holding up the sweatpants on the hanger to me.

"well get them for you." i respond pulling on my shirt and buttoning my pants.

the room was silent when we finally walking out. every person in our sight was giving us a glaring look from all directions. tyler, who was walking in front of me, looked nervous. with confidence, i laced my fingers around his, pulling him back to me, and continuing to walk out.

we headed back to the food court after paying for the pants and getting out of the store. we got a small cup of soft served ice cream to share as we sat down at one of the tables.

"so that was fun." tyler said talking a seductive spoonful of the ice cream between us.

"if shopping with you is always like this," i huffed, jokingly rolling my eyes and throwing my head back, "i would shop with you every single day."

he smiled with a warm smile, "that can be arranged."

i laughed with him and watched as his smile remained the same eating his ice cream.

"so," i began wondering out loud, "is that stuff like something you're into?"

he smirked in his seat hesitantly, "what stuff?"

"p-public stuff, you know." i stuttered. this is that shake i talk about, how tyler can still make me nervous.

he continued smirking with a small chuckle under his breath, "i don't know, it could be."

"what do you mean?" i asked curious. out of all the people tyler has hooked up with there has to be things he has learned from them.

"i'm into a lot of stuff, baby, i just don't know if that's one of them or if i just wanted you to fuck me right now."

"what stuff are you into then." i was intrigued by his insight.

"you'll find out..." his attempt at being sexy was not as effective as he thought it was.

"oh really?"


i began to laugh at the image i had in my head, "so, one day, ill be fucking you and you'll just come out with another kink."

his distinct laugh joined me in my fantasy, "sure, babe."

tyler and i finished our ice cream and decided to leave the mall, knowing that the people who heard us were beginning to see us at other places. i nodded when he stopped me from driving him home with me and asked for me to drop him off at his friends house instead. i'm not going to lie i wanted him to come home with me, i always want him to come home with me, but i know jenna might've been there and he doesn't need to spend all his time with me.

by the time i got home from dropping tyler off, the sun was starting to set. the yellows, the oranges, and the pinks were being to form a soft blur along the horizon, casting warm, soft shadows on the trees. the colors bounced off the light reflecting from the pool, it was an amazing sight to see before i went to bed.

wowowowowow did i actually just like update ?? like in decent time ?? btw i cannot write smut to save my life like it's so bad i stg but the next chapter should pick up a lil if it goes to plan, so, like, vote and comment ya know


p.s. thanks sm for 1k reads guyssss this is my first 1k ever so it means a lot :)))

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