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josh's POV (finally ik)

"that'll be $146.76, mr. dun, how will you be paying?" the small boy on the other side of the register shifted nervously due to lack of experience.

"debit, please." i respond in a warm tone trying to lighten his mood. my phone rang in my back pocket as i was paying, but out of respect, i didn't pull it out until i had left the store.

ty: bruh where are you

i read on my lock screen

josh: shopping why dude

ty: i went to ur house

josh: uh i think jenna's home

ty: oh she's home alright

josh: lmaoooo guess you can't avoid her forever

ty: nah still did

i sighed over his lack of maturity.

josh: ur gonna have to break up with her sometimes ya know

ty: yeah i'll do that when u get divorced

josh: well okay then we'll just cheat for the rest of our lives

ty: do u rlly think we'll be together that long

josh: idk wasn't thinking about it

ty: o ok

josh: don't be sad baby

ty: i don't get sad

josh: yeh sure just like how i don't breath

ty: shut up

i impatiently tapped my foot against the floor as i waited in line. all i wanted was a coffee and this lady at the front of the line couldn't find the money for her drink.

"ill pick it up." i interrupt her in the middle of her narration about finding the money. she turned around looking shocked.

"oh-oh thank you so much, young man, such a nice young man." her shaky hand shook mine and gave me an awkward kind of grandmother hug. i held out my card to the gracious looking cashier before he handed her the drink and bag of food. she thanked me again before walking away.

it only took me a second to get my coffee and sit down. then i pulled my bags down and pulled my phone back out to call tyler. he answered on the first ring.

"ya know," he started immediately without a second of silence.


"your making me all soft and shit fam i never answer my phone and all of the sudden i'm answering to you the first ring." he chuckled a little through the phone. his laughter sounded as warm and as comforting as always.

"is that such a bad thing, sweetie?"

"i guess not," he sighs, "what did u need me for?"

"a lot of things, honey, but i was wondering if you wanted to join me." he still made me nervous; the first time we met i was shaking and it's gotten better despite how little we're together, but it's still the same.

"where are you?" there is no hesitation before his eager response rings in my ear.

"river view, at the coffee place."

"ill see you in a second, babe." he responds hanging up.

when i was sitting at that table in the mall waiting for my boyfriend to come i started thinking about a friend i had in high school. he was gay, and i guess i ever really thought more about it, he was a gay kid and i was a straight kid. i never thought of myself as anything else. most kids, they don't learn from a crush and they certainly don't get in a relationship with that crush. so why did it all happen for me right at this time in my life? why did i meet tyler?

"that's a whole lot of bags, dude." his familiar voice cut through my thoughts like butter and sent a wide smile on my face.

"i got a whole lot of money to spend, dude." i laugh gesturing to the seat for him to sit down and join me.

"must be nice." he rolled his eyes sarcastically, grabbing my drink without a word and taking a sip. he's so cute.

"come on, let's go shopping." i say standing up and grabbing the bags that we're sitting next to me.

"how many more times am i supposed to let you pay for me?" he asked half laughing and half angrily.

"as long as i want to spoil you." i laugh shaking  my hand away from the drink signaling for him to keep it.

we went to go walking down the crowded hallway together, it was nice to be away from the main part of town, we didn't have to worry about not being seen because no one from our neighborhood was there.

we stopped in abercrombie & finch first because ty said he liked it.

"what do u think?" he said holding up a pair of grey sweatpants to me.

"try them on." i said leading him to the only changing room that didn't have a line outside of it. i stood outside for second while he tried them on. i was surrounded by other friends and family waiting outside the other filled rooms to the point where there were no other places open and a line began to form.

he opened the door, grabbed my arm and pulled me into the changing room with him. he made a small spin in place, giving me a chance to see them on. i jokingly grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face back towards me and starred at his butt for a second. as much as i was joking, it did look really nice in those sweatpants.

he continued the joke by turning back around to face me and kissing me. it took a second before he pulled away and opened his soft eyes but i didn't want to stop. i put my hand on his lower back pulling him closer into me crashing my lips back into his and slowly working my tongue through the barrier.

i dragged my kissed down his neck, sucking on his sweet skin a little with every one. he threw his head back, rolling his eyes and relaxing his body into my grip before whispering into my ear, "fuck me, josh."

i literally cannot write smut so the next chapter will be real fun + i'm v v sorry for not updating for ya know like 64389 years oops and everytime i say i'm gonna try to update and i never do so whatcha gonna do. but like vote and comment hahahahha


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