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josh's POV

my eyes woke from my sleep faster than the speed of light when i heard jenna slam her door. once i realized it was her, i rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone.

ty: goodmorning

a small smile grew on my face and my checks flushed with rose.

josh: goodmorning babe

just as i hit send on my text my door threw open, slamming against my wall and echoing throughout the house. jenna stood in the doorway, an enraged expression on her face.

"what the fuck?" i ask, irritated, but still calm. i was sitting up in my bed, still wearing my sweatpants and not wearing a shirt.

"oh, you're gonna ask me that the fuck? you're going to ask me are you sure about that?" the enraged expression began to grow from her face to her shaking fists.

"what the fuck are you talking about?" i exclaim, finally standing up.

she walked over to me, a strong and determined walk, and pushed her phone in my face. on the phone there was just a black screen with the little play button iphones have for videos.

"press play." she said turning around and pacing back and fourth.

i pressed play. the screen didn't change, it remained a black screen. at first i was confused, that was before i started hearing it, and i knew what it was the second i heard it.

it was tyler, it was tyler on top of me in the dressing room. the noises were faint, but the rest of the room was silent. the video ended after almost twenty seconds.

i tossed it back to her faking a look of confusion on my face, "why are you so pissed about a video of some random people hooking up?"

she didn't answer, all she did was push the phone back up to my face and swiped to the side. there's were pictures, of me and tyler walking out of the dressing area.

"okay," i sigh handing it back to her, quickly trying to find a cover up story in my head.

"you fucked my boyfriend!" she screams.

"hey," i say throwing my hands up, "i didn't fuck your boyfriend."

"yes, you did, that's him in the picture!" she still screams, pointing at him.

"no, jenna, that's just a guy with brown hair and there's a million of those." i shrug, a little proud of myself for coming up with the cover up so fast.

"don't you try and pull that shit with me, josh, everyone says it looks like tyler! my friends who were there saw that it was tyler!" her screaming continued the entire time bouncing off every wall in the house.

"do you have pictures of that kids face." i try desperately not to say his name so she thinks i place little importance on it.

"no! i don't need them, they-"

"let me stop you right there," i interrupt, "you don't have any proof that it's that kid ur talking about, so all we know if that i hooked up with a guy."

"fine, you're right, you did hook up with a guy, so i'm gonna tell my mom." she sits back smugly and full of pride.

"oh, like i don't have things to tell her about you?" i counter in her dumb games. jenna and i have always had an unspoken agreement, we never tell phoebe anything.

"like what, bitch?"

changing my attitude and my aroma completely to what i would present to phoebe i began, "you know, sweetie, since you've been gone i think jenna's getting a little attitude problem, she's always trying to start fights and generally became more rude."

"she'll care more if i tell her you slept with a guy." her smugness never left.

"oh hey phoebe," i start again, "i think we need to talk about jenna, while you were gone, she had sex."

her face immediately changed. knowing how strict her mom was about having to save herself until she left her house because phoebe didn't approve of jenna sleeping with anyone, she stood back up.

"truce." she said snatching her phone back and returning out of my room. "but you should know pretty much everyone at our school has seen this video and they all think it's tyler."

i kept the same clueless face on until the door shut and i ran to my phone panicking.

ty: have you seen the videos yet?

oh god i think throwing myself back into the bed and sighing. he must be so embarrassed, everyone at school knows he hooked up with his ex girlfriends step dad in a dressing room.

josh: ty i'm so sorry, this is all my fault, everyone at school is gonna hate you and i'm so sorry.

it took less than a minute before the three dots showed up under my text.

ty: babe chill. peeps at school suck & the kinda don't care about who i'm sleeping with at this point, i was more worried about you.

josh: me? y?

ty: u have a wife and a step kid and you're not even out yet, hell u don't even know ur sexuality yet.

josh: i don't feel bad, ty, i mean jenna's p pissed but i just said it was some random guy with brown hair

ty: aw wow ily2 sweetie

josh: chill dude it was only a cover up bc i thought u would hate that video being out.

ty: babe

josh: yeh

ty: i've never been straight, but you, ya just now figured out ur not. so i'm not the one that's afraid of this, you are.

he's right, i'm the one who's afraid.

im actually like proud i updated in decent time yooo but like vote and comment ya know lmaoo


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