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"just do it Josh." Tyler whined leaning against the back of the door to my bedroom. he was still wearing only his underwear and his hair still looked shaken from when I walked in on him after he and jenna did it. the thought of them sickened me.

"you're a kid." I state twirling my thumbs around each other, glancing up at him with his leg bent and propped up against the door.

"oh just fuck me already," Tyler rolls his eyes crossing his arms and sighing.

he got to me. just a fucking word and I flipped. I got up and walked over to him lifting him up from the wall and throwing him onto the bed. he struggled to push his underwear off the rest of the way as I pushed down my pants.

I looked at his perfectly tan body expanding with deep breaths. I knelt in front of him on the bed, I trailed my nails across his chest. i could see a lighter skin tone as a trail behind my nails.

he stuttered shifting underneath me with his length hardened and fallen on top of his own skin. he almost moaned it when he said it.

I gave a grunt of approval before spitting into my hand and rubbing on my self just as I started to get close to him. my breath speeding and my heart racing. I took his body and flipped it over, he didn't say anything, he kinda gasped in lust when it did it and he just stuck his ass into the air waiting for me.

I looked at him, I looked at his body asking for me and his perfectly beautiful ass stuck in the air ready for me. for a second I doubted myself and I thought about Jenna in the other room and phoebe my wife who loves me.

a grand moan screeched through the room when slowly inserted myself into him. I placed my hands around his mouth so he wouldn't be so loud but I could feel his hot breath against my hand so I felt with the moans. my hands were positioned on his hip bone as I continued to thrust into him. his entire body was shaking in my arms as he moaned and let out streams of steam as breaths.

he rolled himself over, rather angrily. his lips separated when his eyes rolled back into his head. I pressed my hand around his face, pressing my lips to his. it was hotter than it had been the entire time, the heat and tension in that moment was more than I've been in in a long time. he looked at me different after that, like I wasn't the same person that was just inside of him, like I wasn't the guy he hit on in the doorway. his eyes were wider, his body was tender and his entire body was sweatier. I grabbed both of his hand and shoved them above our heads as I continues to roll my hips into him. he looked up at me sometimes, his beautiful brown eyes staring into my soul. his lips never closed after our passion kiss, he kept them open for moans and grunts and heavy breaths.

I grab his cock and began to pump it at the same tempo of my hip rolls. hot white spurts shot around the bed sheets and immediately at the site of his shimmering body tensing and his mouth twitching in pleasure I released and we both fell next to each other.

"thanks." Tyler blurted after a few moments of silence other than the sounds of our breathing.

"w-what?" I stutter, pulling my underwear over my legs and stu,blue to get up.

"bye," he said grabbing the door knob and twisting it, "daddy." His voice trailed in the silence that was left across my room when the door shut again. I hated myself. I cheated on the women I promised to be with for the rest of my life and I didn't even care that much.



the first thought in my head the morning after he slept with both my step daughter and I. the sky was orange and pink and red and yellow. the sky was so beautiful in the mornings. I rolled out of bed, tripping over myself as I pulled up my jeans from last night and headed downstairs.

I grabbed my mug from the cabinet above the coffee pot and poured myself a cup, sipping the soothing liquid with a smile.

"you look better with them off." I hear from doorway of the kitchen. I looked up to see Tyler leaning against the frame with his leg propped up like it was last night.

"you stay the night?" I ask still sipping my coffee. he walked over to me like it was his house and immediately knew which cabinet the mugs were in, took one out and poured a cup of coffee for himself.

"yeah," he said sipping his coffee now, "dont worry, I didn't sleep with her."

"again?" i slant my eyebrows looking at him knowing he already did it with Jenna the first time.

"not after that time, and I won't."

"why?" I ask, all we did was hook up and I don't even know how long he's been with Jenna.

"I don't know." he lied. I could tell because when he lies he blinks more often than he usually does. it was quiet for a while, nothing but the sound of the coffee maker making more coffee and us sipping our drinks.

"anyway," I start, "I'm having a few friends over tomorrow, jenna will be off at a sleepover or something so if you want to come over..."

"you're asking me on a date?" he joked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"to a party."

"okay." he said taking another sip of his coffee but never breaking eye contact with me. I always thought brown eyes couldn't be piercing I thought it was a blue eyes thing but I saw it then that they were.

boyfriend ✧ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now