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tyler's pov

for the first time in a while i drove to brendon's house, not josh's. i knew brendon would understand that it was only a matter of time before i got expelled, but josh would try and get me back into school or help me enroll somewhere else.

"brendon?" i called, entering the familar house. it was still, as it always was, but i continued inwards to the kitchen. i followed the light coming from the garage to find brendon exploring the shelves of liquor his family kept in there instead of cars.

he turned around abruptly after hearing the door open and yelled in excitement, "tyler!" he waved his hand inviting me over to him. "dude, it's like i haven't seen you in forever."

"yeah," i shrug feeling slightly guilty, "i've been busy, i guess."

"your right man, hows jenna's daddy, huh?" he teased going back to looking through the liquor.

"it's...good." i responded grabbing one of his scotches and opening it on spot.

he gave me a glare of confusion as he watched me drink the liquid, "can't be that good?"

"i-i-i mean i like josh, i really like josh. he cares about me so much. it's not about the money or that he's like the first person to treat me right it's about everything else, too. he saved me from that car accident, he kept me from going to parties for a while, and everything in between."

"how much like romance is there between you guys, though?"

i smiled thinking back, "well, i mean, that video that came out." brendon nodded with a grin on his face remembering the video that got everyone in the school to say my name again, "that was the best i have ever had. and one time when i stayed over there after i woke up he made me breakfast, and he lets me wear his shirts, and invited me to a party to meet some of his friends."

"okay, maybe it's the fact that you depend on him like a father figure instead of like a daddy." he suggested, finally grabbing a few bottles of assorted liquors and bringing them back into the house.

"i mean i-" i paused ooking at the placement of the bottles and the plastic cups on the sides of the counters, "are you throwing a party?"

he laughed, poured some vodka into two plastic shot glasses and handed one to me, "you got expelled today, let's make it great." i took the shot and joined him in the laughter, remembering why i decided to go to brendon's instead of josh's.

damian came to that party. the famous rich part kid of high school, the over exaggerated kid who always had drugs and was always on them. since he didn't really go to a whole lot of other people's parties, it was a pretty big deal.

i found brendon after a while, after the people started flooding in and the potent smell of alcohol and weed was surfacing in the air.

"dude where's josh?" he yells over the loud music while still bouncing as if he was dancing.

"he's kinda not the party person." i yelled back.

brendon shook his head and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. i didn't know what he said, i was assuming he called josh, but there's nothing i can really do at this point. then he handed it back to me and walked away.

i turned around to the faint sound of someone calling my name. damian was standing in front of me.

"hey dude." i respond not knowing what he said.

"so i mean i know youre expelled and all, but i got some-"

with no warning, i felt a strong tug on my wrist that pulled me away from the circle and spun me around to find josh, angered.

"what the hell are you doing tyler?" he yelled, not like the yell that you have to do when the music is loud, like the yell you do when your punishing a child.

"me?" i yell back in anger, "what the hell are you doing?"

"i'm here to make sure you don't do some dumb shit you did the last time you went to a place like this." his furrowed eyebrows pushed his eyes back into his head giving his enraged look more expression.

"i'm allowed to do what-"

"hey everybody it's tyler and his daddy." i heard one yell loud enough to cover the sound of the music. the talking fell quiet and everyone stood still to stare at us, as if we were paintings in an art museum.

i grabbed his hand and walked through the hallway to the front lawn away from the glaring eyes of my former peers.

"tyler," he said, softer now that it was just us, "you have to quit it with this shit, partying, drugs, drinking. you need to stop, now." his last sentence changed tone, he was rougher, more dominant when saying it.

i began to feel my knees growing weak with the knowledge of what i was about to do. my hands began to shake, my heart rate was running.

"i can't do this anymore josh." i finally blurt out with more attitude that i wished i would've, but i couldn't control it.

"great," he warmed up, " then we'll go home and watch a move while you sober up or-"

"no josh," i interrupted, "i can't to this anymore. i can't do us."

he opened his mouth after a deep sigh as if he was going to say something, but instead he just kept his mouth slightly open for a second and then closed it. he didn't move, but i could see the light reflecting in his watery eyes.

then he looked down, turned to his car, and drove off faster than i have ever seen him drive.

i feel very attacked by the writers of shameless for fucking up ian and mickey they were supposed to have a good life y


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