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josh's pov

the comfort of the blue padding on my swinging chair on the porch as the rain flew down was familiar. my tea that i always made when it rained was warm and soft.

it reminded me of tyler. i wasn't supposed to be thinking of him, i was supposed to get over him, or that's what jordan was telling me to do.

the rain was harsh and loud like a storm, but in reality, it's soft and only has good intentions, like tyler. it glistened like he did when the light hit his supple skin. it had been too long since i saw him.

i forgot how uneventful my life was without him. all i did for those three weeks was sleep and drink and lay in bed thinking.

the rain got harder.

i hadn't seen much of jenna at that time. she would come in from time to time, not saying anything, but grabbing more clothes or a perfume or something and then she would leave. i assumed at that point she knew tyler and i were once an item. she always used to say things when she came in, but then at that party, everyone knew so i guess she did, too.

headlights shot into my eyes through millions of reflection in each raindrop. i lifted my eyes in confusion, squinting through the rain to see who was there.



"tyler?" i asked, desperately trying to sound okay despite the rapid heartbeat. my eyes finally focussed on the brown-haired boy standing in the storm.

"josh, i need to talk to you." he yelled, still staying in the same place.

"get over here." i gestured, putting my tea down, standing up, and waving him to under the porch.

"no," he yelled back, "it has to be right here, in the rain."

"tyler that's ridiculous, get over here." i didn't even care at that point what he wanted to talk about, i just wanted him out of the rain.

"trust me, josh." although his voice got quieter it still sounded as loud as it was before.

"how am i supposed to trust you, tyler?" i thought back to everything we went through in our relationship.

he paused before saying anything else, continuing to stand in the rain.


i don't know how he did it, but i just needed to go and see him, he really did need me to trust him and i did.

the rain was hard at first, and cold, too, but by the time i got to tyler i was accustomed to it and i was accustomed to my wet clothing. we didn't say anything, we just stood there looking at each other with the same expression on both of our faces. it had only been three weeks, but he looked so different than the tyler i knew before.

"i'm in love with you, josh. i was scared because i've never been in a real relationship, i've never even really liked someone. i mean i'm just a teenager who got kicked out of high school and got abused as a kid so i slept around with anyone i could, but i fell in love with you, josh. i am so in love with you i didn't even think it was possible."

i kissed him like i had never kissed him before because if i didn't kiss him i would've become an emotional mess. tyler was able to simply string words together in an order to make me feel like everything else in the world stopped. the rain stood still and the world stood still for a moment while he talked because it was too perfect.

"i love you too, tyler." i whispered, breaking our lips apart for only a second to only push them back together again.

i brought him back inside while we were still kissing. we were tearing our clothes off at the door between breaks and then i picked up his soft naked body and carried him to couch, unable to make it upstairs to my room.

i couldn't even make it to the couch, we turned into the kitchen where he bent over the kitchen counter.

there was no hesitation between us, i just grabbed my length positioning it before pushing my hips towards tyler.

his familiar soft moans let out as it was inserted. our heavy breaths filled there air as my thrusts sped up and his moans became louder and longer.

his skin was damp with sweat and his hands were harshly gripped to the edge of the counter to steady himself from the roughness.

i took him in my hand and began to pump with the same rhythm of my hips. with my other hand i pushed down on his hot back and made sure he stayed close to the counter. i pulled out, and almost at the same time we both shot out hot white spurts during breath-filled moans.

we steadied ourselves and walk over the couch, tyler walking a little uneasy, and sat down next to each other.

"i love you." he said once his breaths had evened out and he had stopped sweating.

"i love you too, babe." i kissed him again and wrapped my arm around him as he snuggled into me, like a couple, a real couple.

"you know you really suck, tyler." i say, jokingly, but trying to make sure we're okay after whatever our breakup meant.

"i know josh, i promise, i'm good now. when we weren't together i kinda found out how much i needed you."

"hey tyler."

"yeah, josh."

"do you wanna be my boyfriend?" i asked, and before he could respond i continued, "and that means that it's you and me, ty, we'll be together-so no more messing with my emotions. if u have a problem now, you tell me."

he turned and looked up at me, "i would love that."

hahaha wow an update?? on time?? i didn't know that was possible good one dude


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