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tyler's pov

"stop it, josh." i shouted playfully. he was trying to get me out of his kitchen claiming that he could cook for me and i didn't have to do that, "i know you can, but i want to show you that i can, too."

he continued to grab my waist and pull me back from the stove where the water was close to boiling, "come on, ty." he tried to persuade me.

"no," i yelled again, breaking away from his grip on my waist, "get lost, josh."

he didn't leave, but he walked towards me again, wrapping his hands around my waist from the back and pulling me into him. he leaned his head over my shoulder as he kissed me cheek and brought his kissed down lower. each one of his kisses on my neck made me shiver in delight.

"you like that?" his breath was hot against my neck as he whispered and then continued to leave hot pecks on my body.

"mhm." i approved and let my head roll back in pleasure.

"well good," he straightened up and walked away from me and towards the stove, "maybe if you stop cooking i could continue."

i stood in shock, without words, all i did was laugh and shudder at the same time trying to straighten myself out.

"i hate you." i stated continuing to laugh at how much of a tease he is.

"mhmm, i love you, too, you spoiled brat." he said pouring the pasta into the boiling water and turning the heat down.

"you know,"

"yes." he replied almost instantly.

"i could get you to fuck me if i wanted to," i stated, "like right now."

he laughed, "you're acting like i have no self control, babe, i already said i wasn't going to fuck you right now."

"mhm," i chuckled, thinking of what could give him goosebumps.

i crawled up onto the counter of the breakfast bar and sat down, taking off my shirt and unbuckling my pants.

"what are you doing?" he asked with a smirk growing on his face in half delight and half confusion.

i tried not to say anything and leave the mysterious aspect to my actions still clear. i threw my clothes on the ground away from the kitchen and pulled at the waistband of my underwear. i could see josh's eyes start to stare with a similar expression i've seen before.

i pushed down my underwear and threw them with the rest of my clothing, exposing myself to him on the counter of the breakfast bar. i didn't break my stare with him as i put my fingers in my mouth and swirled them around.

"tyler..." he growled, but i didn't stop. i took my fingers, twirling them around my hole before pushing one in and letting out a loud moan on purpose without looking away from josh. he bit his lip in pleasure as i continued to use my fingers.

"fuck." he said pulling off his shirt and storming over to me with an angered look on his face. he gripped the edge of the counter and pulled himself up before he grabbed my waist and dragged my body towards his.

he was on his knees, sitting up, looking down at me on all fours for him. i could feel him unzip his jeans and pull down his underwear by the sharp motions of his hands that were so close to my skin.

he didn't prep me, he just pulled my body back and slammed into me.

"mmm." i moaned biting my lip when he first started. as his pace picked him he grabbed my
hands and held them behind my back to keep control of my body instead of holding onto my hips.

he took one of his hands away from holding me back and grabbed my length in his hands, making my back arch and my entire body shiver in pleasure.

josh grunted in pleasure, rolling his head back and continuing push himself roughly in and out. he leaned back while still thrusting his hips and hit my prostate making me scream. i desperately broke my hands loose and gripped to the edge of the counter as he continued to hit it.

he smiled seeing me fall apart under him and kept in the same position until i arched my back again released in his hand. almost instantly afterwards i could feel him finish and we both collapsed on the counter next to each other desperately trying to catch our breaths.

"well," i said still trying catch my breath and regulate my heart rate, "that's never happened before."

he put his hands over his head, half joking half being cocky and turned to me with a surprised expression written on him.

"what?" he asked, also trying to maintain a regular breath.

"yeah." i smiled.

"mm," he cockily spoke, "good to know."

i laughed, he always made me laugh.

"so," he said getting up and slipping on his underwear and pants and throwing me his shirt, "you're like moved in now, right?"

i smiled pulling his shirt on and stepping down, but having to steady myself when i stood up from what just happened. josh watched me as i walked weakly and grinned, pulling me into him and kissing me.

"woah, slow down man we've only been boyfriends like two days, slow down." i joked leaning back on the counter while he glared at me.

"mhm." he said rolling his eyes and tending to the pasta we left.

"come on, babe, you know i'm kidding. yes, i'm like living here i guess."

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