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tylers POV

I am not the jealous type. I mean how could I be I've basically cheated on everyone I've dated. hell, I've even cheated on the people I was cheating with. I know I was a terrible person and probably a sex addict but I was a teenager. I was the dumbest teenager.

it was obviously it was the first time he ever fucked another guy. I remember how awkward it was when I did it the first time with a guy. my first time was actually with a guy. we were at a Christian camp (ironic huh?) but we were one of the only three cabins that only had a bunk bed in it so it was just the two of us. he was the type of gay you could see from miles away so it wasn't a shock to me when he came into me but it was a shock when I said yes.

he was kinda bad at it in all honesty. he grunted way to loud and to often and he wasn't that big but definitely thought he was. he was always saying dumb crap like "is it to big for you?" or "you're just gonna take it aren't you?" and so I laid back because it was only gonna take a few minutes. it sucked but I got over it.

Josh was different. he was good. he wasn't to loud, he wasn't to cocky, and he definitely wasn't to small. I felt kind of bad that I slept with Jenna before since I know she cares about me. every time I see her she's all over me and not in the way I'm all over Josh she really cares about me. I don't know what it is about Josh, I've never really felt bad about sleeping with people who care about and then someone else but I did when I slept with Josh. his blue hair slicked down on his face as he laid in bed after we did it, the image was burned in my brain.

I didn't talk to Jenna that Sunday. since prom was the night before and that day I was going to her house for her step-dad I did not want to think of her. she probably hates me because the night of prom was her first time, like every single other girl in high school. and it was also my first night with Josh.

I wore some black skinny jeans and a pretty sheer white button down shirt. I grabbed my converse and my phone and headed out the door.

"where are you going?" I heard Zach say from the kitchen.

"out." I responded in a rush trying to leave again before I heard his voice.


"Jenna's." I lie.

"you guys hooking up?" he asks finally walking towards me so he was standing in front of me.

"why?" I ask leaning on the door now losing my nerves.

"you smell like sex."

"okay so what if I am?"

"just wondering." he said turning around and walking back to the kitchen. I turned back around closing the door and heading to my car.

Josh's house wasn't to far away from mine. I never pay attention to the time but I only played like two songs
before I parking on the side of the road. there were four cars parked in the driveway and Josh's and Jenna's cars were always parked in the garage so I just parked on the side.

"you must be Tyler." a handsome man said opening the door. he was tall and had a slim build, he had curly brown hair brown eyes.

"Jordan!" I hear Josh yell from somewhere in the back of the house. he came up to door wearing some jeans and vans shirt. "Tyler, this is my brother Jordan."

I laugh a little at the resemblance between them before I shook Jordan's hand and walked in. Jordan walked away after Josh shut the door so it was just us.

"you look nice." he says shifting awkwardly.

"and you look hot as ever." I respond completely confident and inching near him.

"so," he starts leading me into the kitchen where there was an array of sodas and liquors on the counter, "what's your poison?"

"scotch." I respond as he whips his head around with his eyebrows raised.

"you're 19." he laughs.

"and you're 28 are we just stating facts?" and he started to pour me a drink.

"do you even want my number or are you just interested in getting fucked?" he blurts after handing my drink. all i did was hand him my phone, I didn't say anything, all I did was just take a sip of my drink.

"where is everyone?" I ask after he hands my phone back to me and I put it in my pocket.

"they're on a tour of the golf course."

"so it's just us?" I ask sipping my drink again but not breaking eye contact with him.

"and Jordan."

"where's he go?"

"I don't know probably to the shower."

"so there's no one in that hot tub of yours?" I shift towards him winking at him like I did in the pictures. I saw him start to lean towards me when the back door opened.

the people were walking around all over the place. I felt so out of place among all the adults. I kept seeing people come up to Josh and tap his shoulders and shake his hand and hug him. I told you before I'm not the jealous type but I was then, I kept staring up at him with this angry glare in my eyes waiting for them to walk away.

I saw Josh look over at me sitting on the couch and he smiled. he sort of broke away from the people and walked over to me.

"you jealous?" he laughed as he grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine.

"you just wait until they leave." I respond watching his hips make a small circular motion shifting in his pants, his eyes twitched and his mouth cracked open as he let out a deep breath.

"okay." he said raising his eyebrows. 

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