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tyler's POV

my friend dan was taking me to the party i left josh to go to. i really should've known not to get involved with someone like him, it only ever causes problems.

dan drove a jeep, it wasn't anything fancy but it had nice speakers and he loved to play his music as loud as he could. i like dan. he's been my best friend since before i started having sex and i was really young when i started doing that.

the sun was down and the house was packed when we got to the party. full of drunk, high teenagers making out on the lawn and freaking out because they can't touch the sky. dan and i walked into the shaking house from music vibrations and got drinks.

"who were you hooking up with in the bar?" he asked sipping from his solo cup, leaning against the door frame.

i took a similar position across from him and responded, "i wasn't hooking up with him.

"oh really?" he sounded skeptical and he had all the right to be. i hadn't told dan about josh yet. like i said, we had been friends since i was really young but, i just didn't have time to tell him the entire story.

"nah man im serious." i responded trying to sound relaxed.

"i lowkey don't believe you."

"i mean," i sipped my cup and squinted a little over the concentration of my drink, "we already slept together earlier."

"oh shit, man," he slapped my arm slightly, "who are you looking for tonight then?"

"i'm not really looking for someone tonight..." i trailed


"i just- i'm just not looking for someone tonight."

he took a long drink before he looked back up at me, "are you guys dating?"

"oh no."

"are you still dating jenna?"

"i haven't broken up with her yet but, i'm not talking to her because of this guy."

"who is this guy?"

i stuttered for a while, drinking my drink and avoiding his brown eyes before saying anything, "he's just a guy."

"no, tyler, who the fuck is this guy?" he sounded angry but, not angry at the same time, like irritated-concerned.

"he's married." was all i could bare to say but, i could see in his eyes he got it the second the words escaped my mouth.

"god, tyler, please tell me it isn't what i think-"

"yep." i interrupted him.

"okay man, i don't usually get involved with whoever you're hooking up with but i'm going to right now, okay. break up with jenna like right now because as much as i want to laugh at her for thinking everything is fine she took you to prom, end that."

"i know, i know but, i feel like if i break up with jenna i won't have a reason to go over to josh's."

"so you're gonna use this girl who's like in love with you or something to get to this guy."

"for now." i said. i don't catch feelings a lot and i don't want to ruin it and i know this is the worse situation yet but at least there is a situation. for fear of loosing him, i can't break up with her, not yet.

"okay, man." he responded walking through the doorway.

the next few hours were blurred, countless drinks and i vaguely remember a friend from elementary school saying hi to me. i got dizzy enough that i had to hold onto the wall to get around the house, i don't even remember whose house that was.

i got in dan's car, he wasn't there but he left it unlocked because he knew he probably would've lost his keys. i pulled out the valet key and started the car. i pulled out my phone as i sat in the drivers seat of the running car.

"hello." josh's voice came through on the speaker.

"i'm go-go-gonna leaveeee..." i trailed and stuttered like an idiot, i thought i was going to throw up.

"tyler? are you drunk?" was all he asked.

"no, i-i'm serious josh, i'm gonna le-leave."

"seriously, tyler, are you drunk?" he continued to ask.

"no, josh, i had like one drink."

"where are you?" his voice suddenly got stern.

"i already told you, i'm gonna leave." i said putting my phone on speaker, placing it in my lap and moving the stick shift.

"tyler! where are you going?" he was almost yelling at me.

"look man, i'm gonna need you to stop yelling or i'll throw up, and i'm gonna go to Walmart and get some mangoes, then i'm gonna leave town." i said as loud as i could without yelling.

"tyler stop." i heard him say as i pulled out of the drive way.

"whoooo, hey josh did you know how fun it was to drive in a wavy line." i laughed swerving around the street, "hey hey hey did you know there was a brighter light you could turn on. ohhhh i know, i'll turn all the lights off."

"tyler, get back to that party." i could hear the anger in his voice as he tried to stay calm.

"no i want some mangoes."

"god dammit, tyler." and then there was a long beep.

i was still swerving a few streets later, making noises and laughing to myself until my body was thrown in front of the steering wheel almost completely out of the seat. the car was dented with the imprint of another car in it and my nose was bleeding down my face. i unbuckled my seat belt and sat with my hand cradalling my head.

"tyler," i heard through the window. i slowly rolled it down to see josh's beautiful face so close to mine, "get the fuck out of car."

"why'd you hit me? my head really hurts."

"if i didn't hit you, you would've hit someone else and i can control how much force i use but you're over here swerving like an idiot." he said pushing me over to the passenger seat and taking the steering wheel.

"what about you're car?"

"it's okay, i have the money to fix them both and its tailed to this one." he sighed starting up the car and proceeding slowly.

"where are we going?"

"my place, where did you think?"

"i don't know, i thought you w-were gonna take me to my house."

" i wouldn't do that to you, tyler." his words were soft in the broken car, slicing through the air like butter before it all faded out to darkness.

i'm lowkey lowkey working on a new story but i'm not gonna publish it until i have a lot of chapters so it doesn't end up like this one with slow as fuck updates lol sorry.

~rebecca :)

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