Chapter 2

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i'm in the top secret base where the government train their soldiers, guards and assassins, i'm currently training in a large grey room with gun fire and knives slashing at me and zooming past my head. a load voice echoed out the speakers "(Y/N) (L/N) miss friedmen is here to see you about a newly assigned mission" said the voice, i sighed and walked out the room catching a knife before it smashed into my head.

a tall thin lady with black hair and glasses stood in the entrance of the training room she leads me to a sound proof room on the other side of the campus. they place me on a couch with only a small desk lamp lighting the room. The lady handed me a slip of A4 paper, it had a picture of a yellow alien man with green stripes across his face. on the top had a long description of the man "this is your target, you are to pose as a student at Kunugigaoka Middle School" she explained "you may of heard of the moon incident have you not?" she questioned, "yes" i said quietly "ok, well this being is the one who destroyed the moon, and the students of class 3-E have to assassinate him before their graduation or else the earth will explode, so far these children - though very skilled- have had no success, so we would like you (Y/N) (L/N) to help kill him" she explained.

"what do i get out of this?" you asked leaning on the couch "well you if kill him yourself you get 10 billion yen but if you kill him as a class you get 30 billion yen, it seems the children have decided to go as a class" she explained "then i'll take it" i said scrunching the paper up into a ball and throwing it over my head "if you tell anyone about this information you will get a mind wipe" she assured "who would i tell" you say walking out the room.

tomorrow is a new day in 3-E, how shall play it as, mean?, tomboy?, hipster?, cute girl?, shy girl? I know the cliche nice girl who is more than she looks!


I'm home in my room, i live with ben. on my bed sat my school uniform and weapons, a koro sensie proof knife, b-b gun and bullets, parkour suit and other necessary items.

I sat at my desk and looked at the paper on the desk, i shuffled them in a neat pile and took a pen out of my pen jar. I started to doodle down lyrics and cords to a song  i was making up on the spot. "hey (Y/N)" said a voice from the door way, it was Ben he was leaning on the door frame.

"you excited for tomorrow?" he asked "no i'm just me" i said in a non expressionless voice "i mean- OMG like totally!" i cried in an ironic girly girl voice, he laughed at me and said "hope you do like it" with a smile "i know you really wanted to go to school so i convinced them to let you, don't worry all these kids are insane and unstable like you" he explained "just on one condition" he said sternly making me look up from the paper "you can't say your involved with the government, you can't say your (pop star/N) or show how good you really are at assassination, ok?" he said "yep" i nodded yes "good" he smiled as he walked off into the hall way.

'tomorrow is tomorrow and yesterday was yesterday, non of these things mean anything, we have to keep it that way' is the quote the squad made me and many other recruits revise on a daily basis. but this class room might just defy all the things i have learnt.

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