Chapter 12

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All the groups raced to H-7 in district 2.

As all the groups ran they found all the other groups, they all ran to the room together. A large doorway with a small sign that had 'H-7' written on it, the groups rushed into the room, Sugino and Kanzaki were standing next to a man.

"what happened?!" asked Okano, The man turned around "I see the howl of the E class is here?" he said, the man had dirty blond hair and haze eyes, he wore a suit and some shinny shoes. 

"look who we found?" Sugino said "i know you!" cried Kayano "yes you should know me, i'm Ben (Y/N)'s dad" he said, all the boys shivered.

"why did you tell us to come here? you said it was an emergency" said Nagisa "well... its more like a grand reveal than anything" explained Ben "look, come here" he said waving his hand for us to come to the window.

We stood in a large glass booth up high on the ceiling, down bellow us was a group of middle aged men standing in a strait line.

"what about them?" asked Karma "well, you know how (Y/N) couldn't make it today?" Ben asked, and the class agreed "i thought she had things to do?" questioned Hinami "well thats half right" he smirked.

Suddenly the door burst open, it was (Y/N) the men stood up strait and she walked up to them, she was half their size and one of the men snickered "Oh he shouldn't of done that" mumbled Ben.

(Y/N) walked over to the man who was laughing "whats so funny?" she asked looking up at him "a little late for class hey girly, the trainers not here yet though so your not late or in trouble, how did a pipsqueak like you even get into here in the first place?" he smirked flicking ber on the forehead.

"Mr Jackson i'd like it if you didn't pester me" she said glaring at him "how did you know my name?!" he cried "because i am your teacher here" she said, she flipped put a wallet and inside was a card labeled 'Squad captain, Assassin and trainer of junior assassins' it said, the man yelped in fear.

"I am (Y/N) (L/N) also known as agent Whisper the 5th most deadly assassin in the world" she said the man stood back in shock "I'm sorry miss i don't realise!"he cried.

She started to walk away not facing him, she turned around and smiled with a big cute smile "Oh! it's ok sweetie" she smiled the man looked at her and sighed in relief. 

then her eyes went narrow, she charged at him grabbing his ankle and sliding under his legs, she jumped up and grabbed his neck. he suddenly became paralysed, she flipped over his shoulders and in mid air she smashed her hands on both his ears sending him to his knees "i train with the highest leave Assassins, i have skill higher than you and i have to assassinated at alien that is recored to move at mock 20 so i'd appreciate if you didn't underestimate me" she smirked as she turned to the rest of the class "now boys, thats what happens when you think of me as less than you now 20 shuttle runs up and down the hall" she said.

Up in the booth the class stared in shock "the poor man" sighed Ben, he pressed a button on a panel "hey Kate it happened again, can you send a medic for Mr Jackson please" he said into a speaker.

"heres a list of her profile and schedule for the day, try not to get caught by her" he said handing Nagisa a folder with information about (Y/N). "her next class should be her 'Tests', after this go to I-1 in block 2 just down the hall, you may want to go know actually, the lesson takes 10 minuets but it takes her 1 minutes for her to get there when it takes you about 10 so you may want to go" Ben explained, the class thanked him and sped off down the halls.

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