Chapter 37

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Soon it was around 2 in the afternoon, some people were sitting in the water is pushed over by waves, some were sitting under the umbrellas eating some scraps of lunch and some were just chatting. Suddenly a young lady sprinted over to the group.

"I need your help!" She cried.


"What is it?" Karasuma questioned, by now everyone was gathered around the girl, "We need 3 groups of 2 people to participate in our competitions, the groups have to be a girl and a boy" she panted, "Nagisa? Do you want to?" Kyano asked, "Why not" Nagisa smiled, Nagisa and Kyano stepped forwards, "Fantastic!" she exclaimed. Sugino and Kanzaki stepped forwards "Perfect! Just 2 more please!" she said.

Karma grabbed (Y/N) by the arm "We will" he sighed, "Wait? WAHH—" she was cut off "Perfect come with me!" she exclaimed. They 3 groups followed the lady behind a stage, everyone was pink and red with hearts "I have a bad feeling about this" Kazuki said.

"What do we have to do?" Karma asked, "Well..." the lady looked guilty as she spoke "The competition is an in couples for a reason" she stated, "It's a couples competition" she sighed, "What?!" they all cried, "The local youth made the competition but the 2 groups left and we have no one!" she cried. "Please we need you," she said.

They thought for a moment "Fine" everyone sighed, "Thank you!" she cried, She pushed them on stage and the loud announcer stated the rules.

"And here are our lovely couples!" he exclaimed, the crown cried with joy, mainly E-class sitting at the back. "Now what are your names?" he asked putting the microphone to each person "Karma," Karma said "(Y/N)" (Y/N) smiled. "What cuties!" he exclaimed.

"Now the first thing we will be having is a quiz!" he exclaimed, he grabbed all the guys and the girl from before grabbed the girls. The girls were placed on golden pedestals and the guys were at a table with buzzers.

"The first question!" the man exclaimed, "What is your partner's favorite song?" and right when he said it Karma buzzed "yes?" he smirked, "(F/Song)" Karma said sharply looking (Y/N) straight in the eyes "C-Correct!" the man exclaimed.

Question after question the boys were quizzed, it was then:

Sugino: 2 points

Nagisa: 5 points

Karma: 8 points

Karma only missed the others because the other guys buzzed in before him but he knew every question. "Ladt and most tricky question..." the man smirked "What cup size are they?" he smirked, everyone gasped, no one knew the answer until Karma suddenly buzzed in shocking everyone. He crossed his arms and leant back "D cup" he smirked looking away from (Y/N). (Y/N) covered her chest and blushed a deep red.

"How do you know that?" Sugino questioned, "We live together, you'd think I'd know this. Plus, didn't we find this about 5 episodes ago" he laughed "Oi! Don't break the fourth wall!" cried Fuwa in the back of the crowd. Suddenly red and pink confetti busted around the pillar (Y/N) was on. "Karma and (Y/N) are in the lead! With 9 points! Nagisa and Kyano with 5 and Sugino and Kazuki with 2!" he smiled.

Then it was a trust game where the contestants had to trust their partners and dodge the tennis balls that were bring thrown at them and not touch the black squares on the floor. This time the guys were blindfolded and had to trust the girls. "U-Um... To the left! No! No! The right!" Kazuki exclaimed but it was too late Sugino was out, he had stepped into a black space and hit in the face by a ball.

"Nagisa duck!" Kyano said Nagisa ducked in time just missing the ball, "Karma back flip to the left twice and duck!" she said, he did so, his hand inches away from a black square, the ball went between his legs and he landed. When he ducked the ball went flying past his head.

Everyone was shocked at the trust Karma had for (Y/N) and how observant (Y/N) was. The loud buzz rang through their ears signal time was up. Kyano and Nagisa tied with Karma and (Y/N) for the round make it:

Sugino and Kazuki: 5 points

Nagisa and Kyano: 8 points

Karma and (Y/N): 12 points

It was the last round, it was a fiscal game but no one knew what was going to happen, "You have to Eskimo kiss your partner for 5 seconds! Go!" he exclaimed. Everyone was hesitant, Kyano and Nagisa didn't know what it was and Kuzuki and Sugino only did it for 3 seconds before Sugino got too nervous and backed away. But Karma and (Y/N) did it for 6 seconds.

They back away with a tint of pink on their cheeks, "Sugino and Kazuki! 2 points! Nagisa and Kyano! 0 points sorry, and Karma and (Y/N)! 5 points" he smiled. "Next you will have 10 seconds to pick up your partner! 1!" then the crowd started to count down, Nagisa got Kyano on his back for a piggyback and Sugino tried to pick Kazuki up bridal style but fell over.

"I don't know what to do—" she was cut off by Karma grabbing her by the legs and back and picking her up bridal style. She looked at him, she had bright pink cheeks just like him, she dug her face into his chest with embarrassment "Don't do that!? You don't think I'm embarrassed too!" Karma cried.

"10! Kyano and Nagisa! 15 point! Kazuki and Sugino sorry but 0 points! And Karma and (Y/N)! 5 point!" he exclaimed. "Nagisa and Kyano are now tying with Karma and (Y/N)! Oh, the tension!" he exclaimed. "Now!" he exclaimed, "kiss your partner, the couple with the cutest kiss will win!" he exclaimed, everyone blushed.

Kuzuki put her arms around Sugino's neck and kissed his nose on the tip, Nagisa was just laughing nervously "You don't need to if you don't—" he was cut off by Kyano kissing him on the cheek. He blushed lightly touching the spot she kissed him, she just giggled and blushed.

'Just kiss him on the cheek' (Y/N) 'We'll lose if neither of us kisses' Karma thought, Karma went to kiss her on the cheek as she went to kiss him on the cheek. Their lips touched each other's and they opened their eyes, they fell backwards "I thought I was kissing you?!" She cried, "I thought you wouldn't do it," Karma said with a thick blush.

He helped her up and they looked away from each other "We have a winner!" The man exclaimed. "Kazuki and Sugino on 12 points!" he exclaimed "Nagisa and Kyano on 29 points!" he exclaimed. "And Karma and (Y/N) on 33 points!" he cried joyously "Karma and (Y/N) are the winners!" he said grabbing both their hands and pulling them up onto some chairs where they black 2 crowns on their "The true king and queen of the couple contest!" he smiled. The crowd cheered and E-Class blew up with squealing mainly the girls of E-Class.

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