Chapter 17

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So our plan didn't work, who cares!

No one saw us.... do what we did. every time I think f=of the moment I blush a little but I have to keep my posture.

I'm currently inside with my headphones on. I have to write some new songs for my next album, the industry decided I can change my style though some fans hated my new change I like it I've become more... badass unlike before when I was 'cute, girly and Oh so Adorbs!' as some would say.

I sit at my desk writing down lyrics that could fit in with the tune, Youka, Hinano and Rio walked into the classroom "I know right! (Pop star/N) is so much cooler" exclaimed Youka "yeah, before I hated her style but her voice was amazing, now she's flawless!" smiled Hinano.

I looked up from the paper. "Oh hi (Y/N)" waved Youka as they came over to me "what's this?" asked Rio snatching my lyric book from under me, she looked at the lyrics "a song?" she questioned.

The title of the book was 'New Album/Crystal Army' which was the name of the album "Crystal Amry?" questioned Hinano "isn't that the new (Pop Star/Name) Album coming next month?" questioned Meg "yeah it is! are you a fan too?" asked Youka "yeah, i guess" i shrugged.

All they talked to me about was me about how (Popstar/N) was the best singer or how flawless her style was.

I couldn't help but smile at their comments but I tried not to laugh too much.

Later during class Kayano said she was going to be taking the howl class out to (PopStar/N)'s new concept which had her new album in it, I started to stress.

"(Y/N) will you be able to make it?" asked Kayano "y-yeah sure" I stutter. WHAT AM I DOING!? I thought 'crap now I have to go' i thought.

I went home and explained my problem to ben he understood the circumstances "well you'll have to sneak out each time you have to go on" he shrugged "but they'll get suspicious!" I cried "so?" he questioned. I groaned as I walked to my room "also Maxine picked out some clothes for you so when ready pick some out" he said.

I walked into the room, a verity of cloths hung on silver racks in my room "great now I have to do this" I said to myself.

I tried some clothes on, some had speckles which put me off but when I put it on I felt like a disco ball hen I spun which amused me for a few minutes until I realised I was looking at myself in the mirror as I twirled in circles. by myself. with now one watching. a short silence followed my actions.

soon I went back to picking out the clothes, shoes, makeup and hair/wigs. I had to wear the wig so my peers and anyone who knew me didn't know who I was.

I was shockingly fabulous in some of the clothes but some just looked plain or too odd and that says a lot seeing I'm I person who can run at MOC 5 and shatter glass with her voice.

I already created the Guitar, piano drum and other instrument parts to all the songs but still didn't have all the lyrics. I made them about emotions like fear or joy or being abandoned. so I could appeal to the songs I will sing.

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