Chapter 38

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It was the afternoon, the sun was just setting and the stars were coming out. as the stars sparkled in the sky the permanent crescent moon rose above a single figure sitting on a wooden dock.

(Y/N) sat by herself on the dock dangling her foot into the water, her toes just touching the water, she sat and watched the sky change from blue to purple to pink to red to orange and then into a deep blue. the sky was beautiful and with the horizon sparkling off the water, it made it even more amazing.

"What are you doing here?" asked a voice, she turned to see Karma, he was drying his hair with a small towel, "Why are you wet?" She questioned as he sat down next to her.

"The guys decided for my teasing to throw me into the spars over at the back" He sighed. It was true...


Everyone was cheering for the 'new' king and queen of the couple contest. when everyone left the stage the girls grabbed (Y/N) and the guys grabbed Karma.

While the girls squealed and fangirls, giving (Y/N) a makeover and having a fashion parade in her room the guys out of jealousy and for their own teasing pleasure decided to throw Karma into the spars fully clothed.

As Karma was walked to his room he saw a silhouette of a small figure sitting on the edge of the dock. he stepped closer and realised the figure was (Y/N).

~Back now~

"They girls just made me do their makeup and I let them use my clothes" she laughed, Karma looked to the girl, she had bright teeth and her laugh was like an angle's.

He smiled lightly as she looked up at him and noticed his calm smile "Why don't you smile like that with anyone else?" she asked, "What do you mean?" Karma questioned.

"Whenever you talk or tease other people you put on a smirk but with me, you smile... it's a true smile," she said lightly smiling back at him.

she blushed lightly, was he really doing that?. he looked away and put his feet into the water, there was a long silence, it was awkward or tense it was a calm and peaceful silence as if the two were taking in the calmness or speaking without words.

Karma moved his hand on top of (Y/N)'s hand, he looked at him but he didn't look at her, he was just looking to the stars, the light twinkle of the stars reflecting off his eyes. She blushed mouth agape as she looked at him.

He sighed "I'm hungry, I'm going to eat," he said, he soon got up and was walking down the dock when "Wait!" (Y/N) cried, she was half getting up, he looked at her with true joy and confusion. She could tell he didn't want to leave.

She stood up and gave him a closed eye smile "Thank you" she said. he winked at her and ran off down the sand and to his room, she watched as his dark figure went down the sea edge.

After watching a single bird fly over her head and duck into some trees (Y/N) decided to leave and hang out with her friends. As she was walking to her room she heard loud yelling and cheering in the boy's rooms, he peeked into one of the rooms to see all the guys hoisting Karma above their heads and cheering his name.

She laughed to herself and left upstairs, she went into her room. thinking about maybe having a warm shower until she finds all the girls sitting impatiently on the floor of her room.

"You did it!" they all cried, they all tackled her and dragged her into the room, "You kissed him! You two are so dating now! I ship it!" some girls cried, (Y/N)'s brain could bearly fathom what was happing so it didn't register who was talking.

"Ok girls leave her alone," Professor bitch said, everyone sat in a circle and watched (Y/N)'s every movement. "So how did it feel?" Hinano smirked "It was... warm" she smiled sheepishly as her cheeks rose to a bright pink.

"It felt strangely comforting and tasted like honey," she said. as she talked about the kiss all the girls hung to every word. suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Kyano exclaimed, the door opened to show Karma, he leant on the door frame, they could see the guys peeking in through the window and from behind Karma.

"Is (Y/N) here?" he asked smoothly. they girls pointed to (Y/N) who looked at him sheepishly. "The love game was stupid so was that kiss" when he said that the girls felt their hearts sink and (Y/N) felt something break inside her "The kiss was fake and we both know that," He said walking around to her.

She looked down to her hands which sat in her lap "That Kiss was basically a fluke like you were teasing me" those words peaked (Y/N)'s scenes, he kneeled down next to her "That's why I came here" he spoke.

he had such a smooth and snarky voice, he lightly grabbed her chin and moved her face towards his. before she could say anything he placed his lips on hers.

she was shocked, all the girls in the room let out a joyful scream and the guys clapped and 'woo'ed. but all (Y/N) could hear was the loud thump of her heart she kissed the red haired devil.

they backed away and Karma had a pink blush brushed across his cheeks while (Y/N) was a red mess. Karma winked and stood up.

Nakamura slapped his thigh as he walked by giving him a 'boy you did great!' slap. he shut the door behind him and they could hear the loud cheering from the guys. the girls looked to the blushing maiden who lightly touched her lips with the tips of her fingers.

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