Chapter 4

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A bell rang which signalled the end of the period, i grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. My feet pattered on the wooden floor, i walked over to a window sill, i look out to the vast forest and view of the classroom. "Hi (Y/N)" said a voice from behind, i turned around and saw a boy with blue hair and blue eyes "OH! hello?" i said with a smile "whats your name?" i asked "my names Nagisa" he responded, "i-i'm a guy" he sighed as he heard a girl and boy calling him girly names from the back.

"ok! i'm a girl" i said in a silly voice, "whats next period?" i asked him "sport, well..." he paused "not really sport but assassination training" he explained, i flinched. i remember what Ben said "don't show how good of an assassin you are" how can i dodge this?" (i nearly spelt doge)

"can i ask, how are you not scared of Koro-Sensie?" Nagisa asked "well, i was told about him before I came" i smiled. "(Y/N)?" said a voice, everyone look at me and at karasuma who was calling me "yeah?" i questioned walking over to him, "lets talk" he said taking me away "okay, BYE!" i cried to the class.

He took me outside "so this is where you've been Kara?" you questioned "yeah, i've been helping these kids kill the octopus" he explained "why are you here? i thought you weren't aloud to go to school?" he asked.

"well, this is an assassination right? Ben got me a mission here" i explain "but on one condition" i said "and that is?" he questioned "no saying i'm (pop star/N), no saying i work for the government and no showing my true assassination power" i comment, "that explains some things" he mumbles "go get changed, the bell about to go" he said shoeing me away.

i got dressed into some blue shorts and a blue t-shirt like the ones i have at home. I saw my classmates standing in line and sparing with each other. i scanned the class, there was 27 students all up and no one for me to spar with because one of the boys were sparing with karasuma. i sat on the side line watching the boy who was sparing with karasuma fail miserably. once he gave up the boy said "Mr. karasuma how are you so good at this?!" with a load thump as he sat on the ground next to me.

"OH hi! my names Justice by the way" he said putting his hand to me, i took his hand and shook it politely, i gave him a smile "and i'm (Y/N)" i exclaim with a cute smile. "HEY! (Y/N), why don't you spar with me?" asked a girl "NO WITH ME!" cried someone else soon the class was asking me to spar with them, she was overcome. until karasuma put his hand on my shoulder, "why not me?" he said, the class stopped "yeah lets see how well you do with karasuma" one boy said "Thats fine, i used to spar with him anyway so one more won't hurt" she shrugged "you used to spar?" question someone. 

"y-yes"she said nervously.

You got into a fighting stance, your footing was perfect, your head held high and your smile was gone, you had a serious face like karasuma. you had only one knife in your hand. you went first, you charged strait in and karasuma went to block but you ran behind him and grabbed his neck from behind, you kick his lower back and flipped him over you back, he grabbed your hand and landed on his feet, you flipped back. 

You charged again but zigzagging, you went to slice his cheek but he grabbed your wrist, you stopped, it went silent. you flicked your legs up and made a flying triangle chock, the class gasped as you threw karasuma to the ground, you plunged the knife into his stomach but it was only a koro-sensie proof knife so it just bent and didn't hurt him. you stood back up and started to twirl the knife "you've gotten rusty Kara!" you laughed, he got up from the floor rubbing his head "that training shore did something to you" he laughed rubbing his neck.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" cried the class

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