Chapter 10

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It was the next day, surprisingly me and Karma seemed to hang out more, but in a pranking and teasing way. i also hung out with Nagisa, me and Karma teased him and Kiyano because we ship them.

"Hey (Y/N)?" wispered Karma "what?" i whispered back, he flicked out his phone and on the screen was a picture of Kiyano and Nagisa kissing, "thats the flaming octopus Kiyano was talking about" Karma explained, i was about to cry out in excitement but i contained myself.

A sudden rush filled me i looked to the window, i looked at KoroSensei and Itona who also looked at the window, "Go" said KoroSensei, i looked at Itona and nodded, we raced to the window, i got there first.

I swung my body to the top of the roof.

~Nagisa's POV~

KoroSensei was in the middle of teaching us Algebra when he looked to the window, i looked at (Y/N) and Itona and they also look at the window, they looked panicked "Go" said KoroSensei, the 2 raced to the window. 

(Y/N) swung herself up and for a few seconds there was nothing, before Itona could reach the window a man's body flung down from the roof.

She smashed her elbow into the man's throat and bent his leg backwards making him cry out in pain "Let me go!" he cried "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR!?" she cried back bending his leg more "i just came to kill the octopus!" he cried, "fine" she said loosening her grip. by this point the class was at the windows watching the scene.

"now will you let me go?" he asked trying to get up but before he could she flipped him. "Yo Karma i over heard you also like doing this?" she questioned holding up a purple bag with a dark grey skull on it "clips, wasabi, chilli sauce all that stuff" she said, Karma's eyes lit up "I'm Coming!" he said leaping out the window.

They tried his arms and legs together and clipped his nose and mouth open "ready?" asked (Y/N) "go!" Karma shouted, they squirted wasabi into his nose and eyes making him scream out in pain.

After they let him go, and got him medical help, they went back to class "THERE SO ALIKE!" cried the class.

"(Y/N)?" asked Itona tapping her on the shoulder "you could sense him too?" he questioned "yep, i know when people sneak up on me" she explained. The class looked at her in amazement, as she just smiled.

Later Karasuma walked into the class room "hello class i have an announcement" he announced. The howl class was fixated on him, "so in the next week we will have an exertion to the Government lab were assassins and solider are trained" he announced, the class cheered in excitement.

After he explained what they had to bring and when it was (Y/N) was taken outside "i'm not able to go" she sighed "i know and i'm sorry, but this was the only way" he said "you never know you might be able to show them some things" he said "yeah" she grumbled.

I'll have to be training some new recruits that day so i can't go, hopefully they don't find out i'm a full time squad captain and instructor of the assassination assignments, thats an higher skill than more than half of the howl training students and i'm half their age.

I walk back to the class room with my head down "whats up?" asked Karma "i can't go" i grumbled "too bad" he said "i'll bring you back some knives" he said lightly punching my shoulder as he walked out, my eyes lit up "knives?!" i said with a dazzling look.

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