Chapter 27

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Karma's POV

It was Wednesday, I arrived at (Y/N)'s house, its large walls towered over all the tree around, it was about 3 stories high and had a huge front and back yard. I knock on the door and it drifted open "it's unlocked?" I questioned pushing the door open.

No one was in the kitchen or long room, I wondered around the long halls of the house, I heard coughing from down the hall "why does she even need this many rooms?" I mumbled to myself as I walked to (Y/N)'s room.

I opened the door and saw (Y/N) standing on her bed with her school clothes on. She was breathing heavily and coughing. She looked down to me up from her bed in the air. "K-Karma?" she questioned weakly "you look sick, are you coming to school?" I asked.

"Yeah! I am! I just need to get down then I can-" she was walking off the edge of the bed, her foot slipped and she fell. down she went through the air. I ran over to where she was going to fall and caught her before she landed.

"you're burning up!" I cried feeling her forehead "i-i don't care! I'm gonna go to school no m-matter what" she stuttered trying to get up. I put her on the ground but once I let go of her she fell over "your way too sick! common let me take care of you for the day" I said picking her back up "no you have to go to school Karma!" she exclaimed weakly "I'll just skip today" I said with a concerned smile.

"fine" she grumbled. "now, how will I get you up there again?" I questioned looking up to her bed "I can't Parkour up there with you in my arms, and you definitely can't climb in your condition," I said concerned.

"in the wall next to the hot tub is a spear bed" she mumbled pointing to a hot tub. I placed her on the floor next to the hot tub and got the bed down, I picked her back up and placed her onto the bed.

Her (H/C) hair lay across the bed's body, her heavy breathing and panting concerned me. I placed my hand on her four head and stood up "I'm gonna get some water, Ok?" I asked "ok" she mumbled into the pillow beside her.

I walked out the door and walked to the kitchen to get some water and snacks for us. I walked back into the room, (Y/N) was trying to stand up and just before she fell again I caught her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her up "I told you, don't get up" I said sternly looking into her (E/C) eyes.

She looked away from me and sat back down "I just wanted to get out of my school uniform if I was going to stay here for the day" she sighed as her laid down. "fine, let me help you" i smirked looking at her "YOU PERVERTED-" she stopped "fine" she mumbled "I can't stand without someone helping me" she said with a blush painted on her cheeks.

My golden eyes widened, I was just joking but she's serious. I blushed a shade of red like my hair as she tried to get up. I helped her over to her closet "this is so embarrassing" she mumbled into my shoulder.

She kneeled down and pulled out the first shelf, she took out a singlet and bike pants, she looked over her shoulder "go on! look away" she said to me. I turned around and waited for her to say its ok to look "you done yet?" I questioned slightly looking, she was on her hand's and knees trying to get her bike pants on, only a shirt on , I could see her (Pantie/C) panties, but she didn't see me "no, just be patient" She said still not knowing I saw her.

When she was done I carried her over back to the bed. We sat on her bed watching (F/Anime) on her spear bed and planned out ways we could kill the octopus and soon the day was nearly over.

~Nagisa's POV~

I was packing my things away for the day until Hinano, Kayano, Sugino and Isogai came up to me "hey Nagisa where was Karma and (Y/N) all day?" asked Sugino "I think (Y/N) is sick, and Karma would be skipping knowing him" I shrugged putting my bag over my shoulder.

"do you know where (Y/N) lives?" asked Kayano "yeah, Why?" I questioned "because if she is sick, we wanted to see if she's ok" explained Hinano.

So I took them to (Y/N)'s house, they were shocked at the size of her mansion. I knocked on the door and who answered was a huge shock to all of us.

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