Get out

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I ran. I ran faster than I have ever run in my life, which isn't that fast considering I had been locked in a cell underground for so long. I couldn't adjust properly to the light; my eyes burned. I kept bumping into trees and tripping over logs and rocks, stepping barefoot into... God knows what. I didn't feel any of it. Not even the cold British mist, that the American guards speak so unfondly of whilst missing their "other base". It surrounded me. I couldn't see an exit, just more trees. But that didn't stop me. I carried on, as fast as I could.

A gunshot. My immediate reaction was to look back. Big mistake. I fell. Hard. Only it wasnt soft autumn leaves that i landed on, but a rock. Everything was blurry. I felt a trickle of blood drip from my head. I opened my eyes trying to focus on the many guards that had surrounded me. Aiming their weapons at me. I closed my eyes wincing in pain. It was mearly a blink, or was it. Maybe i blacked out. It couldnt have happened that quickly, whatever 'it' was.

I opened my eyes, and all of the guards, every last one, was laying on the floor. What the hell just happened. I couldnt bring myself to get up. I just continued to rest my head on that rock until i slowly began to close my eyes again... as a pair of legs stepped towards me. The image escaped me in a blur.

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