Most beautiful at night

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It had been four months since the professor had decided I needed more training. I thought the whole idea of being able to slow down time was crazy but, as time went on, he was right. I could see it. I could see everything. I was getting better at controlling it and today was my final test. The whole thing could just be one big flop so I decided to keep it between me and whomever was training me.

I would practise at free period, I would lay down by the secret pool, just past the lake and through the trees, that I had found and spent so much time at with Peter. I felt so calm there. I felt so calm with him. The lack of distractions helped and left me able to slow everything down, watching the ripples stop in the water, seeing leaves hovering mid air, noticing the butterflies flap their wings.

Being there always led my mind to wonder back to my now all powerful crush on peter. I haven't seen him run since the danger room months back, but I couldn't wait to see it properly. It was fascinating, the mere speed of one person, one boy, one man. A very childish man but a man none the less. Oh god what was I thinking. I'm just going to embarrass myself and ruin my friendship with Pietro. I remember the time he shared his name and smiled to myself.




Later on it was the time of the big test. Just me, Hank and the Professor. All I had to do was slow down time enough to catch the ball that Hank drops before it hits the ground on the other side of the room. Easy. Right?

Utter failure. Slipped right through my fingers. Class is over for the summer now so no classes for like a month; all the teachers are dedicating this time to tracking down other mutants.

I was quiet all through dinner.

"Crystallia! I said are you ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts and focussed back on my friends.

"Yeah. Fine. Just a lot on my mind right now..... I'm kinda full I think I'm going to go up to bed now. Goodnight"

"Goodnight" replied Scott as he stuffed his face.

I sat in my room for what seemed like hours. As soon as the sounds of the school had become silent I decided to go where I felt calm. Where I could take away all of this stress. I began to make my way to the small pool right on the edge of the professors land. The whole time, with the feeling right at the back of my mind, that I was being followed.

Peter's POV:

When she left the dining hall I had to follow her. Something was up and I was worried. How could I not be? Crystal has the sweetest smile and I missed seeing it today. I was too nervous to knock on her door so I went to the kitchen to get a twinky and think things through. As my mind wandered, I noticed a light wonder across the gardens. It was Crystal. She must be on her way to the pools.

I thought I would meet her there but I must have gotten distracted cause when I got there Crystal was standing in front of the pool, illuminated only by the light of her small lantern. She looked beautiful. She stood still for a moment took a deep breath and dropped her robe to reveal a dark blue swimsuit. She slowly walked into the water until she was waist deep, then simply admired the plants and wildlife that was around her. She is so gentle.

At that moment I ruined it, snapped the branch of the tree I was leaning on. She was clearly startled so I had to reveal myself.

"woah woah woah, its me, its just Peter."

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"I went to your room to see if you were ok but saw you come here. Thought I still needed to ask" I explained sincerely.

"Well you had no need to. It was just a stupid test I failed today and I just want to forget about it." She seemed angry with herself.

"Oh ok" I turned to leave her be.

"But.... since youre here, I guess. I guess youre quite welcome to join me. I suppose this is our secret spot anyway."

I stripped to my pants, I have no idea why I didn't just go inside to get some swim shorts but Crystal didn't seem to mind. One foot in "HOLY CRAP!!! ITS SO COLD!!!" I looked into her eyes and she laughed at me. Her hands stretched out either side of her, her fingertips gracing the surface of the water. Steam started to rise as the water went from freezing to perfect. As I went towards her Crystal waded backwards into deeper water until she was shoulder deep. I joined, not taking my eyes off of her. How could I?

"So why are you out here so late at night?" I finally asked.

"This pool is just so much more beautiful at night. The soft light from the lantern illuminates it in a most perfect way that I didn't believe was possible." She looked around at the examples of pure beauty. So did I. I was fixated on her. Probably why I said what I did. "Everything here Is just so gorgeous"

"You are" She turned to me looking surprised.

"Excuse me?"

"You are gorgeous." I didn't want to scare her with the words I couldn't hold in any longer. I brushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear and kissed he gently on the cheek. Screw it. Here goes nothing. "After you left after dinner me and the guys we got to talking. Some of the other kids are staying here for the summer. Jean, Storm and Kurt have no where else to go and the others arnt leaving for another two weeks. We decided that maybe it would be cool to throw a party near the forest. you know, bonfire, food, music, dancing. That sort of thing. I was maybe wondering if maybe you would like to-"

"Yes" Crystal answered a lot quicker than I expected.


"I would love to go with you..... Pietro" she smiled, then kissed me on the cheek in return. I couldn't help but let out a huge smile.

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