Danger room

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To be perfectly honest. I kind of miss having lessons with Peter. Oh sorry, Pietro. I laugh to myself whilst getting ready for the training session. The first week or two here I spent so much time with him, then it was only at lunch and between studies. It kind of made the time we spent together more special. Oh what am I saying. The other night was just him getting caught up in the moment. We're just friends. Aren't we?

There was a knock on the door and Jubilee came in. "Hey, you ready to go?" I nod and finish tying my shoe. "I hear Peter is wearing his leather flight suit." O.... k. I don't know why she is telling me this. "You know, he once beat up a god. Well he thought he was a god. Either way Peter kicked the crap outta him to save the world." She leant back on my nightstand.

"I didn't know that." I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's done tonnes of cool stuff, and that hair. Gurl, not every day you see a cute dude with silver hair" She leant further back on her elbows. The smile she gave me told me everything. She knows.

I stared at her, wide eyed. "How did you find out?"

"I KNEW IT!!" Ok, maybe she didn't know. "I knew you liked Peter, I could see the way you looked at him." Jubilee squealed and all I could do was put my face in my hands, failing at concealing how red my cheeks had turned. "So are you two gonna go out or what?"

"I... I don't know. Besides, there's a lot happening right now don't you think. I mean we're about to go and learn how to make sure none of us get killed." She looked at me. I looked at her.

"Is this because Jean says the guy should ask the girl out?" Maybe, but I couldn't say that. Oh no, too long a pause. Peter says that's how you tell some one is guilty. "Forget about what Jean says. Her and Scott have been flirting back and fourth since they met and it's been going on for so long now that none of them know what to do. Trust me, the same isn't going to happen to you and Peter."

"Jubilee I.... ugh lets just go, before we're late."

The danger room was big. Really big. We all stood there as Hank and Raven explained what would be happening today. They wanted to see everyone fight individually, and then together. Hank pressed a button on his control pad, and a large door opened, revealing seven huge metal men, apparently called 'sentinels'.

"Storm. You're up." Raven commanded.

This trial seemed so easy. Storm struck the robot with lightning and cut out it's power. Jean just looked at it and it stopped moving. Scott took off his glasses. When he put them back on there was a big hole in the centre of the sentinel. Kurt dodged the blows of his sentinel, appearing on its back. He ripped away some random wires and it crashed to the floor. Jubilee sort of copied Scott and threw some plasma balls at it's chest.

Then it was Peter's turn. I never really had the chance to focus on his power before; I never really got warning when he was about to use it, but this was different. He looked at me and smiled, then POOF, gone. I focused on the direction the sentinel kept swerving as it reacted to the invisible punches. I wonder if it's true; if those hands really beat the crap out of a god. I could feel the energy near the ground as the air quickly moved as he ran. I was focusing so hard, it was like I was in a trance. For a moment, it was almost like the people standing around me had stopped, frozen almost. I looked ahead and for a split second, I thought I saw him. I don't know how, as he moves so quick, but I was sure I did.

I was snapped out of my trance by a "Good luck" whispered into my ear from Peter, and Scott nudging me forward. I stepped up and looked at the giant being towering over me. Maybe I could set it on fire, but it's metal, even if it melted that would take forever. Maybe I could bring the ceiling down, since the danger room was basically the basement of the school. But collapsing the ground above us seemed a little too dangerous. There wasn't any water around so that's a no, and it's a robot so I could hardly suffocate it either. All of a sudden I was submerged in a sea of blue, then standing next to Jean with Kurt holding onto me. I looked over at the sentinel in the position it had halted as Hank hit the kill switch. It's fist was aimed about three metres above the ground right where I was standing. Well, that was embarrassing.

Raven walked in front of us "Now this is something you must always remember" she looked directly at me, "don't just think. Do. Not acting quickly enough can be the difference between life and death. Now baring that in mind, lets start the group trial."

The large door opened again and there stood more sentinels. Hopefully this time I won't embarrass myself in front of Peter.

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