Class starts (Peter's POV)

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"I just feel like she needs someone to look out for her you know. She already trusts me, I just think this way it will be more comfortable for her"

I was talking with the professor in his office. Crystal starts class for the first time tomorrow and shes a little worried about being around so many people.

"I understand that this is daunting for her and I share your concerns Peter. I'm just afraid that putting her in every class with you may make her dependant on you. She needs to learn to rely on herself." Xavier tried to explain to me in simple terms.

"Then lets compromise. Put her in some classes with me. I can help to keep her comfortable, and introduce her to others. Then the rest of the time shes on her own. Ease her into it, don't just throw her into the deep end, shes been through a lot."

"So shes told you?" He seemed slightly surprised.

"not everything. That's up to her." The professor raised his head and smiled at me.

"Well in that case, I will arrange for you to escort her on her first day to every class. From there onwards she will only share a few subjects with you. Which reminds me, I hear you haven't been attending some lessons again."

"Bye professor. Thanks for understanding."

The next day I waited outside Crystal's room as she got ready for her first actual day. She opened the door, books in hand with the most beautifully large smile on her face.

"well someone looks excited."

"I am. Ive heard so much about schools but I cant remember ever going to one. Ill get to know so much it will be amazing."

"Glad you see it that way Crystal. You're a little early, everyone will start getting to their own classes soon." I'm kinda worried about her. Shes never been around this many people in her life, a crowded hallway isn't going be the best thing in the world for her. Shes always been careful to go looking around while everyone is learning or something. Now all that's gonna change.

A little kid came running round the corner, then another. Then a group of girls. Then a whole heard of students raced for the stairs. Crystal stopped in her tracks. A look of pure terror on her face, like a deer in the headlights. I grabbed her and ran to math before we got crushed.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah" That smile was so fake.


The clock ticked. Why is time so god damn slow? Five minutes till this crap is over and I can get out of here and see if Crystal survived her first subject without me.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I ran out sending papers flying from the desk. I looked around the hallway but it was too full.

"Hey have you seen the new girl?" I asked everyone I saw. It slowly started to empty and I ran calling her name. I was about to go up the stairs to check her room, but then I heard something. A sniffle.

"Crystallia?..... Crystal?"

"Peter?" She was hiding in the space under the stairwell. Her eyes were red and puffy. Tears stained her cheeks. She was violently shaking.

"Its ok. I'm here. I'm here." I held her there until she calmed down.

"There were so many people. I didn't know where I was going"

"shhhhh. shh shh shh. You're ok. You're safe. ive got you..... ive got you"

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