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I open my eyes, what must be many hours later. Where am I now? Rows of beds surround me in a large room, each one surrounded by a curtain. My head hurts but all I can focus on is getting out of here. I exit the nearest door and find myself in an empty corridor.

10 minutes later I'm still walking through a maze of empty corridors. Surly this big door is an exit, it has to be. I'm weak but manage to push the huge slab of wood in front of me.

"Good timing my dear, I was about to send someone to fetch you" the man behind the desk said.

I turned to leave but the door slammed in my face. "Before I begin to explain myself I would first like to apologise for the stress this transition has already put you through. Just know that nobody in this institution means to do you harm. No one wants to sell you. No one wants to experiment on you."

That last statement peaked my interest. "Then why am I here? There has to be a reason. I'm so confused and I demand an explanation. Where are the guards? Where am I?"

"There are no guards here. My name is Professor Charles Xavier, and you are in my school for the gifted. Gifted in ways such as yourself." I look in confusion. "Mutants. I understand that you have been locked away for a long time and may not know much about life, however I know you know about human and mutant conflict. Here at my school we aim to rescue and protect the mutant population as well as taking on students to learn how to control their powers. Everyone is in a lesson at the moment so I'm afraid I wont be able to introduce you to anyone."

This... this is real. His face is so honest, his eyes speak truth. He reminds me of an old cell mate. This thought brings a tear to my eye. I nod, to show in some way that I am beginning to understand.

"First things first, whats your name my dear?"

"i don't have one" I reply looking to the floor.

"now we both know that this isn't true. You're safe here you can tell me."

"Crys.....Crystallia..... but how did you-"

"I'm telepathic, I can see into your mind" he responds without moving his lips. "And I am incredibly looking forward to helping you gain full power of your talents. That way you may feel confident about protecting yourself in the future."

"thank you" I run round the desk and throw my arms around the man, without being able to control myself, I burst into tears.

"oh, well uh. You're welcome Crystallia" he says patting me on the back. I don't really think he gets many reactions similar to mine. There is a knock at the door and the Professor gestures to the door to open. "You have already met Hank, try not to be angry with him for the tranquiliser, you were a bit jumpy at the time. He will take you to your room."

"Thank you so much" I exit following Hank. We walk up the stairs and through several corridors before he pulls out a key and unlocks a door. Behind me there is a sudden gust of wind causing me to turn around. Standing before me was a boy. He had the most amazing silver hair. He smiled at me, then in a blink, he was gone.

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