I Know You

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I open my eyes slowly, only to be greeted by the most painful migraine known to man. Lights above move over me. I hear a familiar voice speaking up ahead, but my head hurts too much to put together what they're saying. I try to move. Nothing. I look down to see that im chained to a hospital bed with my hands inside some kind of metal contraption. The pain is too much. Sleep consumes me. 

I don't know how much time had passed by the time I opened my eyes. There is a drip in my arm, dosing me up with god knows what. The speaker sounds from the corner of the room,
"Begin prepping the subject for evaluation"
I know that voice, but can't seem to put a face too it, it must just be another guard. Three of them walk in and start undoing the chains around me. I try to seize my opportunity but fail to move very much. They laugh to one another,
"Not this time honey", one of them taps the bag hooked up to my arm.

One guard leads the way as the others drag me down a long corridor. Suddenly im throw  against the wall.
"You know the drill honey, you got filthy in all those trees back there."
I look at the hose he is holding and realise what is happening, but I still feel too weak. 
"Fellas could you help the girl out"
The other two guards grab me. They pull my clothes aggressively ripping them. My beautiful blue dress destroyed at my feet as I stand there in nothing but my underwear. They hose me down. I feel the strong pressure of the water already bruising my skin. The speaker sounds again.

"Please take the subject to my office"

After being thrown into a loose fitting gown, I was left alone in a large room. It looked different from the rest of the compound I had seen so far. It was furnished with a large oak desk and high backed leather chairs. It reminded me of the professors office, but this one had a sinister feel to it. I heard a voice behind me, causing me to freeze. 

"Hello my darling"

The voice from the speaker. The voice I knew, or at least I thought I did. The voice that I used to know sounded kind. Caring. Trustworthy. The voice I knew was filled with love and hope. This one was harsh and strong. I finally turned around, struggling to find my voice.


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