Exploring (continued)

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"So Crystal? You settling in alright" the silver haired boy asked.

"I think I am actually. I think for the first time for as long as I can remember.... I actually feel calm; safe."

"That's great to hear. When I first came here I was constantly getting lost, but you get used to it. It's nice to be away from mom sometimes too but you know, still miss her sometimes. Especially my sister." I gave a fake smile. It was nice that he had a sister and a mother, a family, its just not something I want to think about right now. "oh man, sorry. I know you didn't ask, its just that's the typical thing you say when you introduce yourself. Lets just change the subject."




"So you're fast?" Finally the silence was broken.

"Yeah, but like it may sound boring but its a lot cooler than that. I can think pretty fast too and do stuff with molecules and stuff." I just looked at him really confused. "i can speed up the molecules in an object and make it explode."

"That's amazing"

"I know right. So what do you do? Come on, what you in for?"

"i can control the elements. The professor told me that many people believe that to mean strictly earth, water, wind and fire but its a bit less specific than that."

"how so?"

"Well its more like solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. I can connect to them. Find the components that make them and manipulate them. Hence why I was at that horrible place. Strictly speaking it means I can manipulate just about anything, so they ran experiments to weaponise it."

"I hope you don't mind me asking but... how long had you been in there?" How the hell am I supposed to answer that. All I could do was change the subject again.

"Look. A pond." I ran over to the glistening water and immediately dipped my feet in. It was cold. When Peter tried to dip his toes in he immediately flinched. "i can fix that" I lent forward and gently touched the tips of my fingers to the surface of the water. The warmth surrounded me and Peter happily sat there seeming pretty impressed that I can do something so simple as to warm water up.

"you know what would make this perfect right now" he vanished for a second then immediately returned carrying something. "ice cream." Huh? "What you never had ice cream before?" I shake my head. "well try it. Its great I promise"

I hesitate as I slowly try some. "Oh my goodness" I savour the taste. This is amazing. How does food like this even exist. Peter looks at me and simply smiles as I continue to eat my 'iced cream'.

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