Gone Too Long (Peter's POV)

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Dammit. I forgot to ask her what she wanted to drink. Tonight was going great, I'm sure she wouldn't mind what I got her. 

As I walk over to the table with the pizza and the punch bowl I see Scott and Jean. "So you finally decided to join us ya lil smuggler"

"No thanks to you. It was your idea. Where were you dude?" Scott didn't seem best pleased so I just poured two drinks and gave him one of my classic Peter winks. "Don't think you can flirt your way outta this one."

"Come on, you saying if you were a chick you wouldn't want some of this"

"Where's Crystallia? I thought you were here on a date?" Kurt pops outta nowhere making me drop the drinks.

"Dammit Kurt stop doing that" He vanishes and reappears passing me some paper towels. He apologises and we laugh it off. I'm in too much of a good mood to over react. 

"He is. Just getting drinks, and from what I see its going well." 

"Jean stop butting in my head" I say with a smile.

"I'm not. You don't have to be psychic to see how happy she makes you.... also you have a little lipstick there" she laughs gesturing to the corner of her mouth. 

"Nice one dude" I get a thumbs up from Scott as he drags Jean to the clearing where the other kids are dancing. Kurt gives me a smirk, waves and vanishes. I repour the drinks, grab a couple slices of pizza and walk back to the clearing. I needed the chance to think about what I was gonna say to Crystal next. 

Out of no where some little kids showed up. They must have snuck out of the school to join the older kids at the party. They kept asking questions about apocalypse, and im not one to disappoint. I tried to move them a long but then Hank rushed over and took them back to the mansion. 

I get back to the pools, the candles I set up were all blown out. "Crystal?!" no answer. Dammit. I left her hanging for too long. What if the kiss made her feel awkward. What if she used the time I was gone to get away discreetly. 

I run back to the party seeing Jubilee chatting to some girls on the grass "Hey have you seen Crystallia?"

"No I thought she was with you"

"What's going on?" Jean says from behind me now holding hands with Scott.

"I don't know I think I blew it. I think I came on too strong or something."

"That doesn't sound right." Jean looks concerned. "Maybe she went looking for you and just got lost in the woods. We'll help you look for her. Won't we Scott." She shook his arm.

"Yeah sure I guess we could help, where was the last place you saw her."

Dammit. I'm gonna have to tell them about our special spot. "Fine but you can't tell anyone. This is our secret place. She feels comfortable there."

"You really care for her don't you?" Storm stated matter of factly. I say nothing in return and walk ahead of them, just slow enough for them to keep up.

"We were right here. I got back and she must have blown all the candles out and left", Jubilee had the common sense to bring a lantern with her as we all walked in separate directions around the small pool.

"What's this?" Kurt called from the distance. He held up a small doll wearing a blue and black dress. "Of all the gifts couldn't you have gone for something a little less creepy?"

"What are you talking about? That's not mine." I examine the small porcelain figure with tightly coiled hair. "Looks pretty old though" I state as the others come and join us to look at Kurt's find. I pass it to Jubilee who says something about it being kinda cute and passed it around the circle. 

Suddenly the doll hits the floor, along with Jean who curled into a ball with her hands up by her head. "Stop! Stop it! I don't want to! I won't hurt them" She cries out out of nowhere. Scott drops to her side. "No. Mom. MOM where are you!! MOMMY!" Jean collapses into Scott's arms crying.

"It's ok. It's ok Jean im here." Scott comforts her.

"What was that?" Storm looks around confused.

"Maybe she's possessed. I told you the doll was creepy" Kurt points out making the sign of the cross in front of him, and muttering something in German.

"They're here for her. They're here for her they found her." I look at Jean in confusion. Even though I know fully well what she was saying. "I can't connect to her. I don't know where she is." I stand in stunned silence, as a small rumbling sounds starts off in the distance.

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