Just Breathe (Peter's POV)

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The time between Crystal being dragged away and my friends running to my aid felt like an eternity. I pulled at the vine around my neck and Raven and Hank did the same. The panic had set in already.

"What do we do!? Help him" I heard one of the girls screech.

"What do you think were doing" Raven retaliated. "It won't come off"
Everything starts to go dark as my friends fail to help me, just like I failed Crystal. Failed to keep her safe. I close my eyes in defeat as a red light burns past my skin. I gasp the sweet air as I open my eyes and try to refocus.

"Oh thank God!" I hear jubilee say as I see Scott put his glasses back on. Storm bends down next to me resting her hand on my shoulder as though trying to comfort me.

"Get off!" Comfort is the last thing I need as I try to get to me feet. " where the hell were you guys?" It hurts to speak but I don't have time to catch my breath. I need answers. "Where the hell were you? They just took her. Didn't you see? The took her and you did nothing?"

"Calm down Peter" Hank raises his hands to me.

"You're welcome by the way" Scott just had to choose now to be sarcastic. "Its not like I just saved your life or anything" Seriously. He thinks I should be grateful when they all just let those bastards get away. Luckily raven got between us.

"Peter" she yells "give them a break, at least they all did the right thing and came to find us instead of running off to take them on their own. What we need now is to come up with a plan. We need to discuss with the professor all possible options"

"A plan. You think we have time to come up with a plan?" I look at them all frantically. How do they just not get it. " You don't know what they did to her there. She told me everything. You have no idea what she went through!"

"I do" Jean pipe's up. "Peter I've seen it. I've felt it. Well get her back. Promise" I drop to my knees and break down in tears at her feet. Storm and Jubilee help me to my mine. "We all promise."

"Get him to the infirmary"

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