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I was ready to head downstairs but I was frozen. I couldn't move out of fear of the night ahead. I just have to keep telling myself, it's just a party, it's just a party. All of a sudden there was a fancy knock at the door and I snap out of it.

"Hey Princess" I could feel my face get warmer at peters greeting. Oh god I've embarrassed myself already. "I see you got my little gift there. Looks great on you. Better than I expected even. Not that I imagine you wearing stuff. I mean not that I imagine you not wearing stuff I mean...." I placed my finger over his lips to shut him up, trying to 'play it cool' like Jubilee told me to.

"Let's go shall we?"

"Sure. Of course. We walking or running?"

"Running." I answered as quick as peter does. "I don't want to be the last ones there". In truth these shoes were hurting so bad already.




When we got there the music was already playing, the food was already out and people were already dancing. Oh dear, i had forgotten about the dancing. Peter noticed that i was looking around feeling a little lost so he suggested "food? This pizza place they got these from is great." He took me by the hand like a gentleman and we walked to the table, i tried to casually use him to balance as we went.

"Hi guys. Isn't this great. Everyone is here having such a great time"

"Hi Jean. i thought you were coming here with Scott?" Peter replied.

"Yeah" she rolled her eyes. "The professor sent Hank to have a word with him after trying to sneak some beers. They're allowing him back to the party so he should be here soon"

"Sounds about right" Peter laughed.

"You guys have fun" Jean winked at me as we walked away, leaving her to mingle.





We talked for hours, with other people but mainly with eachother. We made each other laugh we shared story after story. It was mainly Peter telling tales of run ins with the police and them trying to figure out how he stole things without any proof when he was a little kid.

After all of this time he asked me something that terrified me, and will stay with me forever, "Do you wanna dance?"

"um" is the only noise that i could muster.

"Seriously? All these beauty secrets and party tips and none of those guys thought to teach you to dance?" i shook my head. Peter got to his feet and held out his hand. I took it hesitantly and clearly embarrased even though nobody was actually taking any notice of us. Peter looked around at everyone. " Hmm, not exactly the best place to learn. Come here". He placed his hand behind my neck and we were suddenly in the clearing by our lake. Our secret space.

We could still hear the music faintly in the background and the whole space was pre lit with candles. Peitro placed his hand on my waist and the other hand in mine. I went to step back but tripped as the heels on my shoes werent exactly designed for grass. "Take your shoes off. You prefer to be barefoot anyway. It'll make you feel more comfortble." I happily oblidged feeling so much relief as the retched things went as far as i could toss them.

"Peter i dont mean to kill the mood, but i honestly have no idea what to do with this whole dancing thing. Where do i move my feet? What do i do with my hands? How do ...." He looked into my eyes and placed his finger on my lips to keep me quiet, mocking what i did earlier.

"Just put your feet on mine and ill handle the rest." I gently stepped up onto his feet, still standing a little shorter than him. He, again, wrapped his hand around my waist, placed my hand on his neck and took the other hand in his. He began to sway gentle, still looking into my eyes. The faint music in the background didn't seem to match what we were doing, but what do i know. To be honest i dont even care. This moment was perfect. We danced together for what i wished could be forever. Our faces inched towards one another, our lips barely touching. We closed our eyes and that was it. I was engulfed in pure bliss. Our lips were pressed against eachothers as though they had found a part that had been missing for so long. It's like in that moment i know that i didn't want to kiss anyone other than this boy that stood before me.

We came up for breath and smiled at eachother. He held me in his arms as we looked at our reflection in the perfectly still water. "Shall i go get us some drinks?" Peter suggested.

"That would be great."

"Dont go anywhere Princess ill be right back."

As he left, i felt uneasy for a moment. Everything around me seemed to come to a stand still. I turned around and by my shoes was an old box. I slowly approached in the darkness and picked it up. The energy i felt coming from it frightened me as i slowly lifted the lid.

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