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Ouch!. Ahh my head. I slowly sit up, opening my eyes. "AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!". Blue she was blue. A blue woman, or at least i think its a woman. I looked around frantically. Where the hell am i? Buttons and chairs with belts, i hate chairs with belts. Bad experiences. I scramble backwards away from whoever was infront of me.

"Where am i?!?" i scream in their direction. I dont even try to put on a brave face. Tears are already pouring from my eyes. "whats happening?"

"It's ok. You're ok. You're safe now" the blue woman with yellow eyes explained.

"No. What? No. Whats happening. where am i. what is this place. who are you" The panic had already set in. I step back feeling a wall behind me, not taking my eyes off of her, i use the wall to stand.

"you're ok here. trust me. My name is Raven. We're here to take you to a place where you wont be hurt. You're on a plane to America."

"i dont believe you." i launch myself at her. I have to get out of here. what if they take me to the other base that the guards kept talking about. I had been threatened with it before. The blue woman fought back, grabbing me to hold me down. I get away, running to the large window infront of me. "no" i mutter. Clouds. Nothing but clouds. Flying. I really am on a plane. That means i cant get out. Everything went dark.

"what was that?" Raven asked.

"Small tranquiliser. In case of an emergency" Hank replied. "That dosage should last around six hours. Looks like we have four left which works out ok i guess"

"what about-"

"oh the Professor already contacted me, he got back a while ago. Guess he can beat the jet."

"Dammit" Raven responds in a huff.

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