Act natural (Peter's POV)

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I was hypnotised. Not by the dancing creature on the water, but by it's creator. Her hair glowed in the light from the fire, her delicate hands moved gracefully through the air. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. All I wanted to do was grab Crystal and pull her close to me. I don't think I've felt this way about anyone before.

"Are you staring at me?" Ah crap

"No. I was just thinking. You told me a secret, it's only fair if I tell you one too."

"Go on then." Crystal inched closer.

"You gotta promise not to laugh though ok? I've seriously never told anyone this"


"Promise?" I begged.

"I promise. Peter what is it?"

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. "Peter isn't my real name."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean my name isn't Peter, well it is but it isn't. It's embarrassing ok." She was clearly still not getting it. I've seriously never told anyone this before. "My names Pietro. It's Italian. My ma said it was my Grandpa's name or something." Oh great now shes laughing at me. "Hey, I told you it was embarrassing."

"No it's just, suddenly Crystal doesn't seem like such an odd name anymore haha."

We both laughed and she promised me again that she wouldn't tell anyone, espiecially not Scott or i'd never hear the end of it. All of a sudden I felt like I wasn't in control of myself, I inched closer to her.

"You know, actually, I kinda think that Crystallia is a beautiful name." Crystal also leant her head forward, our lips so close I could almost feel them. It was about to happen and then, a flash of blue.

"The Professor says it's getting late. He suggests that you both come back inside." Kurt said. God dammit. 'Amazing Nightcrawler' my ass, he ruined it.

At lunch the next day Crystal was no where to be seen. Storm says that Raven suggested they have a one on one training session, but that doesn't stop me from being paranoid. What if I'm the reason shes not hanging out with us today. What if I made her feel uncomfortable and she came to her senses or something.

"What's the matter speedy?" Jubilee asked. I had drifted off into my own world.

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"Are you sure cause I just took one of your twinkies off of your plate and you didn't even threaten to run me to Australia and leave me there?"

Kurt cut in. Oh god I wish he hadn't. "He is probably pining over his new lady love." He must have known i'd try to grab him cause he was hanging from the leaning tree before I even had the chance to reach out.

"Lady love huh? Come on dude who is she?" Scott asked.

"Is she cute?" Jubilee hopped in.

"Do we know her?" Storm learnt forward.

"I... I don't know I just.. I"

"Oh my god it's Crystallia." God dammit Jean, stay outta my mind. "Don't worry, Kurt just told me."

He flashed down from the tree back to where he was sitting. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you Peter. I just thought it was sweet. Especially since you saved her life."

"Yeah man its like a fairy tale. Maybe if she kisses you you'll turn into a Prince or something." Scott was always sly with his insults. Before he even finished his sentence I had wrestled him to the ground and had his arm behind his back, all in good fun of course. "Dude. Dude, I submit ok." We were all laughing, which was a good sign I guess; no one judged me for having a little crush on someone. "Hey I think it's kinda sweet too."

"Yeah well I don't think anything is gonna happen. There's a lot going on right now, so how's about we just change the subject."

"Looks like we may have to" Storm pointed out that Crystal was walking towards us. I don't know why but my immediate reaction was to mess around with my hair a little.

"Hi guys."

"Crystallia i'm sor-"

" Don't worry about it Jean, let's just forget about it. I just finished a training session with Raven and she said that maybe at the weekend we should have a group session in the danger room. She says that after the mall incident, her and Hank would like to take a look at how we fight as a unit."

"Sounds good to me." Crap. Did I answer too quickly? The smirk I got from Jubilee and Storm told me I had.

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