New friends

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"Why don't we eat lunch outside today?" Peter asked me, well, more like he told me. Since the incident in the hallway ive been bringing all of my food straight to my room.

"Because people will stare at me. I'm the new girl that cried in the corridor for no reason. I'm settled now, I don't want to ruin anything Peter."

"But you still have to meet my friends. Come on, no one cares if you got a little upset or a little scared." He made a pouty face which was just the cutest thing. I couldn't resist that face.


He picks me up and runs to the gardens. Its a lovely day and children of different ages are dotted around the grounds eating their lunch. We walk to a group of five students sitting under a large tree, three girls and two boys, one of which was hanging from the tree..... by his tail.

"Hey guys long time no see." Peter greeted his friends.

"Hey man, we were starting to get worried. Is this her?" asked a boy in odd looking glasses.

"Yeah this is Crystallia. She's still getting to know how things work around here but we thought it was time to introduce her to some new people."

"Sup, I'm Scott. I'm leader of our pack."

"Shut up Scott. Just ignore him, he likes to think hes cooler than us. That's a cool name. Mines Jubilation Lee but everyone calls me Jubilee." Wow. Peter was right these people do seem nice.

"I'm Ororo but you can call me Storm."

"Jean" I shake hands with the pale girl but as soon as our hands touch she flinches away. She looks into my eyes as if I had done something terrible. As if she new. All of a sudden there was a flash of blue and the creature that was hanging upside down from the tree was standing next to me. I reach out to shake his hand.

"Crystallia" I introduce myself

"Kurt Wagner. I apologise if I frightened you. I'm a teleporter. If I continue to sneak up on you please tell me and I will try to do it less frequently." What a polite boy.

After talking about lessons I think I was accepted as one of the group. Everybody was talking as though I had always been there. Peter and Scott kept pulling lumps of grass and seeing who could get the most on Jubilee's back before she noticed.

"What are you doing to her?" Storm starts brushing down her confused friends back.

"Calm down ok its just a little game." as Peter and Scott laughed to one another, Storm's eyes turn white. As small tornado appears and swept up the loose grass hurtling it into the two boys faces. "Hey, whats the big idea."

Everyone laughed except me who was just fascinated by the power my new friend had. "That was amazing." I couldn't help but say it. I've never gotten to see many other powers.

"If you think that's good you should see when she makes the whole sky change." Jean says with a smile.

"So you control the weather?" Storm nods. I turn to Jean and ask what she can do, still a bit worried that she doesn't like me.

"I'm telepathic like the professor but no where near as powerful. Scott has lasers shooting out of his eyes, hence the glasses and Jubilee throws plasma balls."

"That's all so cool. I had no idea that there were so many amazing abilities in the world."

"Well what about you?" Scott asked, leaning back on his hands. "What can you do Crystallia?"

"I control the elements." Everyone seemed interested in this.

"Could you show us?" Storm wondered. I wasn't too sure what to do so I simply imitated the small tornado she had previously conjured up. Peter cut in,

"Come on we've already seen that. Show us something new. I know you can Crystal."

I straightened up and looked around me. The lake was a short distance behind me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I raised my hand and gestured up. Some water from the lake mocked my gesture and travelled towards us and travelled into Kurt's empty glass.

"Thank you." He said politely. Everyone clapped their hands. That felt good. Being appreciated for what I can do. I wanted to show them more. I place both of my hands over the patch of dirt between Scott and Peter. Slowly, little sprouts of grass rose from the ground. I concentrated harder and a small flower popped up.

"Beautiful" Jubilee marvelled as she picked the flower. "Can you show us more?" I thought hard, then placed my hands on the floor either side of me. Nothing happened for a moment and my new friends began exchanging glances.

Then, the ground beneath us shook. The movement became more and more intense and everyone stood except for me. The large tree we were sitting under began to lift from the ground, the roots came up with it, one by one they slowly escaped the dirt.

"Ok Crystal I think that's enough now." Peter said with a small laugh. I didn't move. Looking more concerned he demanded "Crystal put it back" But I didn't hear him. I was concentrating on releasing the tree from the Earth so hard that I could no longer remember why I was doing it. "Crystal stop!!!!"

My eyes shot open. There was a large crash as the tree fell back down, some roots were still in the ground. Peter was knelt infront of me with one hand on my shoulder.

"Come on guys. I think lunch is nearly over we better get going now." Jubilee drew everyone's attention away from the small drama. We all walked back to the mansion talking as if nothing had happened, Peter staying close to me the whole way.

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