The gift

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It was the night of the party. Jean and Jubilee had been spending what seemed like every minute of the day teaching me all about makeup. Now it was finally time. Tonight is basically my first date ever, and its with Peter!

Sitting with the girls in the kitchen we get to talking about the party. "Its just so nice of the professor to let us do this" Storm brought up.

"Yeah especially paying for all the pizza" the thing that jubilee was clearly most excited about.

"So we've got like two hours to get ready. Do you think we should head upstairs and get ready?" I had to point out to Jean that it was a little early... right? "No way. A night like this deserves the effort." I'm too nervous to argue so we all go to our rooms to prepare.





As I stepped into my room, something wasn't right. I walked towards the bed where a black box wrapped with silver glittery ribbon was waiting for me. I looked around to see where the girls were hiding; nothing. There was a note on the box in scruffy rushed handwriting;

          'I know you like the color cause it reminds you of the sky.
            It's a good choice but you look good no matter what.

                                                       P̶e̶t̶e̶r̶    Pietro x'

I'm so confused. I open the box to feed my curiosity. As I remove some of the tissue paper inside the box I see the dress. A light blue colour with a black ribbon and black lining.

I can't believe he remembered. I hold the dress against myself and give a twirl in front of the mirror. I spend every spare second getting ready using every technique I could remember my friends teaching me. I stand there, looking in the mirror, making sure that everything is in the right place. The nerves kick in again. I just know that this is going to be a night that would stay with me forever.

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