Shopping trip part 2 (Peter's POV)

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Idiot. Complete idiot. I cant believe I said all that, she probably thinks I'm so stupid now. Look at her smile at me. She is gorgeous. Her eyes even match her hair, I mean how cool is that. She's perfect. Crystal deserves a way better life than what she's had so far. She has a great gift and it didn't deserve to be taken advantage of.

That's it. A gift.

"Ill be right back guys."

"What you're just gonna leave your food?" Jean responded

"I'm not hungry"

"Well that's a first" She chuckled. "Where are you going?"


"Bathroom's that way dude" Scott gestured in the opposite direction but I was already gone. Just imagine Crystal's face when she opens a perfectly wrapped box to see....


High pitched shrieking and crashes came from behind me. What the hell? I turn around and about 50 armed guards have surrounded the place, scanning random people. No one knew what was happening so in the panic everyone made a mad dash for the exit. There were cries of fear as one of the guards fired into the air. The huge mass of people scattered.

Crystal?!?!?!?! Where was she? Where is everyone? I darted through the people, no sign. They're not at the table. Maybe Kurt got everyone outta there. I looked around. Was that a tail? Some tables on the other side of the food court were overturned. Found 'em.

"What the hell are you guy's doing here? We gotta go"

"We weren't going anywhere without you!" Crystal said in a angry whisper.

Everything went silent for a second. "Where are you?" a males voice sounded in the distance. "We know you're in here. Didn't see you leave and i'll recognise that pretty little face anywhere"

"Oh god" Crystal gasped and covered her mouth as if to prevent from making any noise. There was silence. We all looked at her and then each other. She clearly recognised the voice. "They've found me."

"Right we gotta get her outta here, Kurt can you teleport us?"

"No. It's too far."

"They're definitely here for her." Jean confirmed.

"Ill create a distraction, then we all run" Great idea Storm.

Her eyes turned white and clouds rolled over. Thunder and lightning roared above us.

"The hell is that?" A guard looked up. Then a lightning bolt struck a tall spire, sending it crashing through the glass ceiling. Everyone dived out of the way, and that was our chance.

We bolted, excuse the pun, straight for the door. I had to travel at everyones speed cause I couldn't carry them all at once. I can't leave anyone behind. Just as Scott reached out for the door. I heard a click. I turned and Crystal was laying on the floor convulsing with the current travelling through her body.

"If you would excuse me kid's. This girl is coming with us." I took a single step forward and all of a sudden all weapons were aimed at me.

"So this is how you wanna play it huh? Lets see how fast that trigger finger of yours is" I dashed for the nearest person taking his gun and so on until I thought I had them all. How was I supposed to know they had back ups. Guess they learned from the last time I kicked their asses. Someone fired and it grazed my arm.

Scott took off his shades and looked up, causing the remaining glass to fall. Jubilee created her signature plasma ball things and started launching them towards the guards. Jean took over one of them and made him fight his colleages, while Kurt just went all nightcrawler on them. He was flashing back and fourth trying to keep anyone from getting too close to Crystallia.

Then the fountain in the middle of the food court started to shake. The water raised upwards and stopped. I turned and saw Crystal walking forward, her eyes had turned from their normal brown into the brightest shade of blue I had ever seen. The guy in charge looked at her,

"Hey sweet cheeks. You ready to come home?" He threateningly joked. She's coming home alright.

"Leave them alone" without hesitation Crystal swept her hands to the sides causing the water to follow suit, smashing into every one of the people we were fighting. We got outta there as fast as we could. The moment we were close enough Kurt took us the rest of the way back to the mansion.

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