Danger room part 2

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"Did you see the way that thing hit the ground. Man that was crazy." Scott was still recovering from the adrenaline rush after fighting the sentinels. I was walking alongside Peter while the other three girls were in front, giggling to one another. They were clearly up to something. Jean looked back at us and just as she did so, my shoe lace came undone. Naturally I grabbed the closest thing to me, which unfortunately for Peter was him. We went tumbling down to the floor, but didn't hit it.

I blinked and there he was, looking deep into my eyes. He caught me before I hit the floor. That moment we were looking at eachother could have lasted forever, until Hank ran back towards us.

"Crystallia, could I borrow you for like five more minutes. The professor and I would just like to talk to you about something."

As I began to walk back towards the danger room I heard the distinct clap of a high five. I should have known that Jubilee wouldn't keep my little crush a secret.

The room was clear of the wreckage we had previously caused, and all that was there was Professor Xavier in his wheelchair.

"Look Professor, if this is about Kurt having to intervene before I can explain." I panicked thinking he was disappointed in me.

"No Crystallia, don't be silly. This is about something far more interesting. I would like for you to explore your powers more." This was odd. I didn't really think that there was more I could do. My powers weren't really something that I learnt to control; I could always feel them there, I could always feel the energy within the elements.

"I'm sorry Professor, but I'm not entirely sure what you mean."

"I was watching your training session earlier from the observation deck" Xavier continued, "and I noticed that during Peter's trial you seemed distracted." I blushed. "Oh no my dear I don't mean like that. You have no need to worry, I have no need to look into your private life. I was talking about what you think you saw. You seemed distant so I couldn't help but take a sneak peek. Could you please elaborate for me, for Hank's sake."

"I thought, I thought I saw him run. I know it's crazy, cause that's impossible, but I was almost sure of it."

"I think you were sure of it my dear. You see I've been thinking a lot about the extent of your powers and I believe I found something."

"What do you mean sir?"

"Crystallia I believe," he leant forward in his chair, "that you can stop time." Ok, maybe I was wrong. That definitely sounds more crazy. "I suppose not exactly stop time but definitely slow it down. You see, you are a very strong young lady, that can do remarkable things. If you focus your mind enough, delve deep into your core and feel all of the energy around you could harness the Earth's energy and perhaps slow it's rotation."

I just stand there with my jaw dropped. I look at Hank, he was the sciency one so hopefully he could explain to the professor how stupid this sounded.

"Well I guess, its possible. Charles you could be on to something. Crystal your powers are to control the elements, which is what makes up the Earth. If you slowed everything down for a moment, but was conscious of that, then maybe that would explain why you could see Peter running, meaning that you too were most likely moving at an accelerated rate. Well at least that's how everyone else would perceive it."

I just look at them back and fourth. "You two are serious aren't you? You think I slowed down time for everyone except me."

They looked at each other and then back at me. "Yeah" they nodded and said in unison.

"Suppose this is true. You want me to learn to control it"

"Crystallia, that is exactly what I want you to do." The professor said with a smile.

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