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"What happened? Tell me exactly" We were all gathered in the professors office. He was desperately looking for answers, we all were.

"I just told you. They showed up and started shooting." Peter answered as Hank wrapped his arm to slow the bleeding. He was hurt because of me.

"Its like they new she was there." Jean thought aloud.

"Clearly" Raven pointed out sarcastically. The professor glared at her. None of this was helping me. I need more answers than they do.

"You said I would be safe here!" I finally spoke up. "You looked me in the eye and told me that I could trust you."

Xavier looked at me almost hurt that I questioned that trust. "You can trust me Crystallia."

"Well look where that false trust has led us. Now we are all in danger."

Hank stepped in, "what do you mean 'all'?" Are these people really so blind? This is a school. These are teachers and they can't see what they have done by bringing me here. Jean finally realised.

"This is a school for mutants" she said, "Everyone here has some form of ability. These people, whoever they are, they took Crystallia and put her through hell for so long she can't even remember her real name. If they find out about the students.... they'll do the same to us."

Exactly. Isn't that obvious. The professor and Hank start to devise emergency plans in order to evacuate students if worst comes to worst. And then....


How did she...?

"Everything alright Crystal?" Peter looked worried.

"How did you know that Crystallia wasn't my real name?"

"I'm sorry" Jean replied.

"How did you know? How did you know that Crystallia isn't my real name? When I arrived here I sat in this very office and was asked what I was called. Not once did I say that this was the only name I knew, even if it wasn't the one that my parents gave me."

There was no reply. Just blank stares.

"I understand how the professor knew. But he never brought it up. So i'll ask you again Jean. How. Did. You. Know?"

There was a pause. All I could do was look at her with anger and wait.

"I. I touched your hand?"


"I told you I can read minds. We're friends you have to believe me when I say I didn't mean to see. When I shook your hand under the tree, the emotions were so powerful it just-"

"Under the tree? Jean that was months ago. You never thought to tell me once that you knew everything. Never thought to ask me if after what had happened if I was alright."

I turn to walk away. I can't look at her anymore. "I didn't think you wanted to talk, especially since you only spoke to Asha"

"No. No don't you dare say that name. Don't you dare say that name to me. How dare you?"

I left the room as fast I could. As much anger as I was feeling right now I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Everyone stood there gobsmacked. What just happened? Raven broke the silence.

"Professor? You told her she would be safe here? Did you not think to tell her that we hadn't secured the whole base first?"

"Our mission was to get her out of there. I told her what made her feel calm."

Peter looked away from the open door. "Wait what? What are you talking about? You told her they weren't looking for her anymore?"

"Not exactly Peter but I-"

"Well you didn't exactly tell her that they were still after her either did you? Did you! Don't pretend you didn't know, you are connected to every single person on this god damn planet. You could have warned us and we wouldn't have taken her out in the open."

"Peter I-"


Peter ran out of the room in less than a second.

"Well I think we could all do with some rest, don't you? We shall continue this further in the morning." Everyone was dismissed, walking to their rooms in silence, wondering where their friends had disappeared to.

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