Shopping trip

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It had been several months since I had first arrived here. Peter had taken his time to tell me as much stuff about the world as he could. I can even find my way around the mansion on my own now. None of the other students have asked too many questions about me and everyone seems rather nice, but I still like to stay with my small group. Jubilee told me its called a 'clique'.

We were sitting under our tree by the lake, not quite knowing what to do with ourselves.

"I say we just watch a movie" Scott suggested.

"Na. Arcade man." Peter demanded, he looked at me and winked, probably because he knows I can never beat him at Ms. Pacman.

"What about the mall? I could really use a new jacket." Jubilee thought aloud.

"The what?" I don't think ive ever heard of this before.

"Wait, have I, I mean have we never taken you to the mall before." Peter asked. Scott laughed so Kurt stepped in and pointed out that he never used to know what it was either. So I guess that was that decided then. There's a first time for everything I suppose.

After about an hour of looking around the mall I saw it. It was gorgeous, yet somehow familiar. It was the most beautiful dress I think I had ever seen. A light blue colour with a black ribbon and black lining, it reminded me of something a doll would wear.

Wait. A doll. I had a doll. A tear rolled down my cheek as the sliver of a possible memory came back to me.

"Are you alright Crystal?" Peter stood next to me in front of the shop window.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just admiring the dress." I reply trying to sneakily dry my eyes.

"You should get it, you're beautiful, I mean the dress is beautiful. Not that you're not beautiful I mean.... um" He stopped in his tracks and looked at me as if the words were going to jump up in front of him.

"I don't have any money" he was just about to say something when Kurt appeared and suggested we get something to eat. So off we went to the food court.

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