The girl on the water (Peter's POV)

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I knew where she would be straight away. I went straight to the lake in the trees. There she was, sitting in the dark. I rushed around and gathered some sticks. I dropped them in front of her.

"You know it's cold out." She took no notice. I hate seeing her like this. "Pretty dark too. Wanna make a fire?" She looked up at me, and then the twigs, she raised her hand and they ignited. Now I could see her gorgeous face, tearstained and filled with hurt.

"I know you didn't have anything to do with it. With keeping everything secret." She finally spoke, still with a slight crack in her voice.

"So you're not mad at me?"

"I could never be mad at you." And there it was, that smile that gets me through the day. I smiled back and she looked down. How do you comfort someone who has been through so much?

"You know, i'm here. Like, if you wanna talk about anything. It wasn't fair of Jean to not let you know that she saw." I got a small nod outta her. "I know this might be a difficult question but, I have to ask it. Crystal, who is Asha?"

She got up and turned swiftly to walk deeper into the woods. I move in front of her. "Peter please" she turns away but I grab her hand and turn her back.

"No. Crystal you've gotta stop pretending that none of this has effected you when it clearly has. Look at me. You can trust me. I can see it in your eyes that you know that. I can't guarantee that any of this will make you feel better, but it's a start. Just know that when you are ready, I am here. I will always be here."

I let go of her warranting a response. Nothing. I guess I can't get through to her after all. I start walking back to the mansion.

"She was my cell mate" I knew it. Dramatically walking away always seems to do the trick, never doubted myself for a second.

"She was the oldest out of five of us. Said she was a University lecturer or something. I knew her for years. Asha was kind, taught us things about the outside, looked after us, calmed us down when we were scared. I was taken from my family really young, Ive never known who I was. Asha named me. She said I was unique and needed a name to reflect that fact. Every morning and every evening, they would take us; try and find out what made us tick. Sometimes, the other kids wouldn't come back, but they were always replaced the next day. I guess some people just couldn't take the pain." She took a moment to remember those who were lost. "Not long before you guys came, one kid disappeared every day, only this time they didn't bring in anyone knew. Me and Asha were the last ones. When they came, I thought it was me they were going to take. She tried to put up a fight but there were too many of them. I was left in there for days thinking they had forgotten about me. Then it was my turn."

"Crystal you don't have to tell me this if you don't wanna"

"It's ok. I want to Peter. Like you said, I trust you. They took me into this room and there she was. She looked beaten half to death sat in that chair. They made me stand there, everyone looking at me. In front of her was a glass of water, a rock, and a smoking match. All they said was 'get her out. get her out of the chair. you have all you need'. The rock hit one of them in the head. They were about to shoot me I had to Peter. I didn't mean to. I took away their oxygen. I watched a room full of people choke as I stood there. It was too late. I hadn't realised until it was too late."

I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my shoulder.

"I killed Asha. I killed the only person that cared about me."

"Hey now, calm down. It's ok. I care about you. And despite everything that just happened back there, everyone in that room cares about you too. So if it's ok with you you're just gonna have to put up with us for now ok?"

"ok" she sniffed. "Thank you".

"It's ok Crystal. That must have been real hard for you to say and I'm honoured that it was to me."

"You know, Asha was the one who taught me that you should never be afraid of what you can do. It's apart of who you are, and you should embrace that."

Crystallia raised her hand to the lake, and with it the water followed, just like at the mall. Only this time, it formed a girl. It looked sorta like Crystal, dancing across the surface of the water. She extended her fingers and gracefully moved her hand through the air as her creation danced to the rhythm in her mind. I turned to her,

"Beautiful" I said, and she smiled.

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