Gone Too Long (Crystallia's POV)

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I drop the box out of the shock of the sudden memory. A strong breeze nearly knocks me off my feet, blowing out the candles. I had this when they took me. They were here. They found  me. 

I run towards the party to tell the others, I see Peter talking to some little kids.

"Yeah, I mean Jean helped at the end, but i'm the one that beat the guy up"

The kids smiled and laughed with him. He was so good with them. With everyone. You wiped the single tear that rolled down your face. I can't do this. I'm putting them all in danger. I'm putting my friends in danger. I'm putting Peter in danger.

I take one last look at him and his dorky smile that I love so much. I look at my bare feet to build the last bit of courage I needed and took off in the opposite direction. Away from the party. Away from the mansion. Away from everyone. It's the only way to keep them safe. 

I find a clearing in the trees that I didn't recognise. Collapsing to my knees there are voices up ahead. I crawl desperately behind a tree, leaning my back against it to catch my breath as I hid from the soldiers in the black uniforms I knew too well. They were coming closer. I could feel it. I cover my mouth so they couldn't hear my heavy breath.

Now is my chance. I turn to make a break for it. But there they are. Right in my face. I step back and the other soldier shocks me with something in the neck. I fall to the ground and desperately try to crawl away as the men walked alongside me laughing. 

The shorter of the two bends in front of me cocking their head to the side. I couldn't see their face under the mask but I could tell they were smiling at me. I spit in their direction. Barely a reaction. They wipe it away and suddenly their other hand is on my head. My eyes snap shut but when I open them im no longer amongst the grass and the trees. 

Suddenly im standing in a house. It seems familiar. I look down at the doll im holding in my hands. It looks brand new.  Where am I? There is a light peeking through a crack in the door at the end of the hallway. I don't know why but I feel compelled to walk towards it. I hold up my hand and slowly push the door to see a man and a woman on their knees as guards hold guns against their heads. 

They look at me panicked and tell me to run. I don't react. I stand there and stare at the terrified couple. A gentle hand touches me on the shoulder. I look up to see another guard. They say nothing, just bend down next to me and take my hand. They slowly raise it to the couple, letting go allowing me to keep my hand upheld in front of me. I feel the ground around my feet start to rumble. Branches crash through the windows around me. Tree roots raise from the ground tying around the helpless victims ankles. 

I feel an energy coursing through me, a strong energy. Suddenly the walls collapse around me. Sucked into the ground to reveal the clearing in the trees. I never left. I look down to see the branches wrapped around my legs raising me high into the air. "What's happening to me?" I weep under my breath as I look at how high I am above the trees. 

"Crystal!" a quiet choked up voice sounds in front of me. I look up in horror at my still outstretched hand as I see Peter. My Peter. The vine is wrapped tight around his neck. I panic.

What have I done?!

We lower back to earth the vine still gripping around his throat. I can't stop it. There is a sharp pain to the back of my head and the world goes dark.

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