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I woke up not knowing what to do. I walked around what was now my room, taking in my surroundings. I walked over to a door at the side of the room. A bath. oh my god actual running water. And a shower. This is so exciting considering that the only time I experienced such a thing was with the weekly hose down at the base.

After washing I chose some clothes from the pile that Raven had bought me last night. They were clean and smelt great. This whole experience was amazing. So much to take in. I looked out at the view of the gardens that seemed to stretch for miles. That was where I belong, with nature; this place has everything. I think ive finally found a place I like. A place I want to stay.

The next day I decided to look around the rest of the building, mainly the gardens. Everything was quiet so everyone must be in lessons. As soon as my feet came into contact with the grass I removed my shoes. I took in a deep breath of the clean warm air.

I walked as far as I could, until I just had to sit down. I layed back on the ground and stretched out my arms feeling the grass between my fingers.

Wait, wheres the sun gone? I opened my eyes to see what was blocking my light. Or should I say who. I shot to my feet with a scream, knowing I was too far from the building for anyone to hear. I prepared to run.

"woah woah woah. It's ok. I'm from the school." Of course he was, who else would it be. The professor said that this was a safe place. "What? not even a thank you?" said the boy.

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome" he replied with a cocky smile.

"No I meant that I don't understand. Do I have to thank you for scaring me?" I'm so confused.

"I think you'll find that I was the one that rescued you." I tried to interject explaining that it was actually Raven and Hank. "Yeah yeah yeah, well I guess they helped. The Professor asked me to tag along, I think he was trying to get rid of me cause ive been kinda bored lately, I don't know. Guess you cant remember though since you were a little busy being kinda knocked out. Hope it didn't hurt too bad, but it looks like its already started to heal up nicely. You were really light by the way. Like carrying air. Not that that's a bad thing I mean I guess it means you might be able to stomach the crappy food here with a little more enjoyment than I do" he laughs. This guy speaks so fast, its a wonder I can even understand him.

"You were outside my room when I got here"

"Yeah, wanted to see if you'd calmed down, heard you tried to take down Raven."

"Yeah well I guess this all kind of got me by surprise." I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"You know I didn't expect you to be British, even though that's where we found you. I expected New York for some reason. So whats your name anyway? I'm Peter."


"Well that's... original. Cant exactly say ive heard it before. So Crystal, I'm ditching class at the moment so why don't you say we take a walk?"


"Yeah. Your eyes kinda got a little sparkle to em. Sorta works out well."

"Yes. Id love to go for a walk with you. It'll be nice to talk to someone new"

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