The Mission (Peter's POV)

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Everyone is asleep in the mansion. Oh God I'm so bored. At least if it was day then I could find someone to annoy. I take a run around the courtyard  but that doesn't exactly kill time. Sometimes Crystal is up at this time. Maybe we could go to our place by the pool.

As I approach her room I hear a weird noise, a whimpering. "Crystal?" No answer. Luckily lock picking comes in handy when you're a bored kid in the suburbs and the store is closed in the middle of the night. "Crystal are you ok?" I fiddle with the lock as the whimpers become panicked cries. I finally crack the lock and rush into the room. Lying there, eyes shut tight, writhing in pain, covered in sweat is Crystal. She's in full panic yet fast asleep. "Shh Crystal I'm here. Shh its Peter it's ok. I'm here. It's ok. Its pietro"

Her eyes snap open as she frantically grabs at my shirt. I continue to assure her that it's me. That it's safe. I hold her as she cries. All night she cried. All night she spoke. The first time she ever went into detail about what she went through, the things they did. She needed me there, and there I was, just like she needed me now.

My eyes snap open and I jump out of the hospital bed in the infirmary. I look in the mirror at the bruising already fading around my neck, the perks of being a speedster. As I get dressed I can't stop thinking about that night. About what she told me. Now I was determined. There wasn't time go make a plan, she didn't have that, I had to act fast. Luckily for Crystal I'm...

"Going somewhere?" Professor Xavier rolled into the room behind me. No time for chit chat. "Peter you need to rest"

"I need to do something. I need to find her." I need to tell her, I add in my head.

"Tell her what?"

"You're the one snooping around my head so I'm guessing you already know." I sweep past him to leave the room.

"That you love her?" I stop in my tracks. It sounds so strange when someone else says it. "If you do truly love her you'll allow us to help you. To bring her home safely"

"You don't get it do you. You've seen in her head. Think about it for a second. There isn't time. We can't stop for a second. They'll never stop hurting her. We need to act now."

"Then what are you intending to do?"

"I'm going to track them. I'm going back to where we found her and I'm gonna find every single prison they have in the country and I'm going to search every single one"

"But what if she is no longer in the country?"

"Then I'll go to all of them. Every torture cell. Every country. I'm not gonna stop. That's why I'm going alone. I'm quick you know that. I'm not gonna stop till I find her.... I'm done talking." I leave the room and run. I run and run and run. This is it. No going back. I'm coming for you Crystal.

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